The most effective handbook on self-discovery there is.
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This book was downloaded over 18,000 times as a free eBook between 2012 and 2016, and is based on the hugely popular Searching Within online course by Belsebuub from 2001 taken by tens of thousands of people worldwide until 2010. It is now only available for purchase as a paperback book due to being extensively plagiarized while in digital formats.
About the book
The search for who we are, and the deeper purpose of existence, is ultimately an inner quest. Searching Within provides the tools and information to set out on this inward journey.
It explains why acquiring self-knowledge is so important for any kind of profound inner change, and how it can bring many benefits to one’s life and the world. Belsebuub explains how using the timeless principles of self-discovery, one can observe and understand their subconscious, with its many drives and desires, and uncover the causes of suffering within themselves—and at the same time, develop their consciousness, the source of inner peace and love, and the spiritual part we all carry within.

Interspersed throughout the book are a series of the most effective and powerful exercises for self-discovery, which can be put into practice in daily life, and used to acquire one’s own personal experience. With detailed, clear, precise, and yet simple explanations, this book is the most effective handbook on self-discovery there is and provides a firm foundation and beginning to the inner journey back to source.