A Guide to Using Out-of-Body Experiences on a Spiritual Journey
The book that thousands have used to explore out-of-body experiences
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USD $11.95 ~ GBP £8.95 ~ EURO €9.50 ~ AUD/CAD $15.50
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Downloaded over 40,000 times as a free eBook between 2013 and 2016, and based on the hugely popular online course by Belsebuub from 2001 taken by tens of thousands of people worldwide until 2010. It is now only available for purchase as a paperback book due to being extensively plagiarized while in digital formats.
About the book

I have only recently become aware of Belsebuub’s work All his books are unavailable now, they can not be found in any rare book resources or normal avenues, unless you have $1,000 to spend for a book which unfortunately, I do not. Is there any way, any way to obtain any of his books and especially this one?
Came here for the free download because the book is too expensive to purchase. Where is the free download? Do I have to astral project to receive it?
There is no free download anymore – we took the eBook offline in 2016, as it was being too plagiarized. For example, someone had copied and pasted the entire contents of The Astral Codex into their own book, had given it a different title, and was selling it on Amazon. Our publisher only happened to find out about this, but it had already sold at least hundreds of copies.
The Astral Codex, like all our books, is now only available to purchase as a printed book. However, it is unavailable at the moment. The prices you are seeing on Amazon are set by resellers of the book that we have no affiliation with or control over – they set their own prices based on a book’s availability. Our publisher does not receive any money from the sales made by resellers, and nor do we, as we make no money from the sales of our books at all.
recently I purchased a couple of copys of the astral codex. This book is really amazing, it has been put across so simplified that it is very easy to read and has the ability be able to put it into practise in daily life and verify from experience :) .
I have let a couple of friends borrow this book and has been so helpful and inspiring to all of them no matter what situation they are currently in. One friend actually had an amazing astral experience on the first week of reading it.
Thankyou so much for the time and effort put in to be able to make this book available to us all.
Really? Where did you buy It? The cheapest price on Amazon in the U.S. is now $140.00!!!! So much for keeping costs low.
Hi Jennifer,
The Astral Codex is out of print. The prices you are seeing on Amazon are set by resellers of the book that we have no affiliation with or control over – they set their own prices based on a book’s availability. Our publisher does not receive any money from the sales made by resellers, and nor do we, as we make no money from the sales of our books at all.
I prefer paperback anyways. I look forward to receiving my copy from amazon. I hope to achieve conscious Astral Projection and hope the book provides useful techniques.
I had a look at someone’s copy of this book and I was immensely impressed with the quality of the print. The book was so nice to hold, the cover was so smooth and flexible to the touch, almost leather-like, and it was so light and reader-friendly. The cover design was simply captivating and I remember just holding it there in my hands for several minutes, I had never appreciated a book cover so much :) I really feel everything about the design and print of the book is so beautiful and to the highest caliber, and seems that it is worth so much more then the price its marketed under.
And then I opened the pages…
I have read the original version many years ago and always appreciated the straight to the point practically of the subject matter. I started reading through and I noticed a really beautiful change in the writing, some of it which read very poetically. I just wanted to comment on this because I personally very much enjoy poetry, reading and writing, but to me, some of the phrasing and expressions of spiritual realities and consciousness, and the appreciation found within them, was in some way expressed almost like poetry, but in a much more elevated poetry that is not limited by words and the way those words work together, but by the experience and in the way the message itself draws the poetry. I don’t know if what I am saying makes much sense, or even if I just hadn’t noticed this before, but I just wanted to share that from those few pages that I read, I am hooked and hope to buy my copy soon.
Thank you so much for this amazing work and to everyone behind the scenes that helped publish it.
How can someone help to get this book out to more people?
I can relate to what you are saying, although I don’t call it poetry. I find that Belsebuub speaks exceptionally clearly in his books. I am now reading The Awakening of Perception and can see beauty in the way that Belsebuub writes. I look forward to reading the Astral Codex as well once we have our own copy (or borrow one like you did).
One way to share the books that I have noticed is using Goodreads. They have a ‘quotes’ feature where you can post quotes from the book that stood out to you. These quotes are then findable by other people.
Interesting comments. I can’t grasp the concept of one creating or imagining their own reality versus reality . Is not projection based on visualization? Thanks
Hi Charlie
Check this article
Specially the part “The differences between visualization and fantasy”
And let me know if that answer your question. (I don’t know if understood it completely though)
Our copy of The Astral Codex just came in today and I’m really excited to dive in and revisit all these topics once again. As a side note, the book is absolutely beautiful — really amazing job on the cover design and print.
I just purchased one too, have to agree the cover design and book itself look amazing! Look forward to revisiting the topics too!
What is the difference between The Astral Codex and A Course in Astral and Dreams?
The Astral Codex is the same book as A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams, except that some new information has been added and the course structure and its exercises have been removed.
Would you recommend that I buy both because each serves a purpose?
The book A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams is no longer available, but the Astral Codex is.
Dear Mark and Lara, thank you very much for sharing with us this incredible knowledge! I got the “Astral Codex” book while it was still available for free download.
I find “The Astral Codex” very interesting and valuable, in its own way…For me personally, it felt quite beneficial to look into this new book after reading “A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams” many years ago, trying to do my best to succeed with the exercises, and attending and teaching so many classes based on it. Thank you again.
would really like your ebooks but i am not able to download. please advice.
Hi Jaya,
On the very top of this page (just above the epub and kindle download buttons), there is a notice about the ebooks not being available and why. There is also a link to click to read more about the issue. The Astral codex should be released soon (in a week or so) as a paperback version though, so you should be able to get it then on Amazon. You can subscribe here (https://belsebuub.com/subscribe-to-get-email-updates) to get the updates on the books to your email.
where is the link to download free ebook .
Hi Dhruv, unfortunately the ebooks are not available anymore because of extensive plagiarism Belsebuub and Lara are facing. If you want to read a bit more about why this is a problem, have a look at the following link https://belsebuub.com/the-plagiarism-of-this-work-is-too-extensive
A paperback copy is available from amazon or can be bought from one of the retailers in your country.
I hope this helps.
Hi Druv,
The Astral Codex is only available in paperback now, as all of Belsebuub’s free eBooks had to be taken offline because they were too heavily plagiarized , as explained here https://belsebuub.com/the-plagiarism-of-this-work-is-too-extensive.
hi jenny and roy. first of all thanks for replying.can u tell me if the book has tips and technique on how to astral travel. do s and dont etc in before astral travel.
Hi Druv
The Astral Codex is more of a guide which does provide tips for astral travelling, and what out-of-body experiences are, what to see and do in the astral plane, how it fits into the structure of life, and how to use it for spiritual development.
The book lays out the basic principles of astral projection and how to achieve it, like with having a concentrated mind while falling asleep, etc.
Throughout the book there are tips given for various aspects of astral travel, and there are also numerous question and answer sections.
Mark chose not to include specific techniques in the book, so people can explore the process and not get boxed into using just certain techniques. In the book he explains that there are many exercises for astral projection, and the ones he’s mainly used are concentration, visualization, and mantras.
Hope this information helps. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
Great book. Thank you so much for providing this information. I have had a lot of success with it.
I owe so much to this book and its author. I’ve always been fascinated by dreams and looked everywhere I could think of for guidance on how to make them a source of my spiritual learning. This book and the ones preceding it have been an immense source of guidance, inspiration and help.
I’d recommend anyone who’s interested in learning more about the magical, multi-dimensional side to life through their own experience to delve into this book.
Prior to taking part in the course that this book is based on, and reading a previous version. I had never astral projected and I’d had zero conscious out-of-body experiences save for a few childhood experiences I didn’t understand till much later. This book changed my life. Not just by reading it but by practicing in the framework that the book provided. After 6 weeks I projected out of my body. Talk about a life changing perspective! I never realised spiritual/metaphysical experiences are accessible to everyday people like me. It sounds to good to be true but my advice would be to read the book, try the practices and see what happens. Goodluck
I had read the previous version of this book “A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams” that gave me then a great boost to investigate my sleep time and opened the gate for mystical experiences to take place. Was like my life become more magical since then.
Reading this new version “Astral Codex” looks more refreshed and that refreshed my approach to my practices too. There are some points that stood me and I’ld like to point them below.
The whole chapter 11 about sinister forces and how someone to be protected. It gives a really great overview.
Also I like how Beslebuub describes the elementals of natures there and also the differences between bad dreams and nightmares.
Also I liked that he points out many time at different chapters that someone can create its own reality and get misled from the true-esoteric teachings and how much an objective approach is needed.
Big change from the old version is that removed the most descriptions of certain practises (chapter 3). Instead he is leaving the doors widely open for someone to investigate techniques of awareness, consecration, visualisation, mantras and meditation in order to develop the skill for astral projection(chapter 4). Since this is what AP is all about, but in the same time giving clear guidance for those who want to develop themselves spiritually.
Since there are so many people who are interesting in astral projection and lucid dreaming for spiritual or not reasons this book gives the “how to” for anyone to experience it and especially for free!!
Really much appreciate it and I definitely highly recommend it !!
This is one of my favorite books that I go back to again and again for inspiration and information on astral projection. Through this book I have been able to understand the power and importance of dreams, and have been able to practically explore and find answers for myself on the deeper mysteries in life that have intrigued me since I was a young child. It really helped bridge the gap I felt between the physical and the spiritual in a very natural way, which before reading this book I didn’t really think or know was possible. The knowledge in this book is incredibly valuable and I’m very thankful to have found it.
This book was so helpful with learning how to astral project! I particularly like how it’s practical and down-to-earth without unfounded speculation or airy fairy kind of stuff.
The content of this book is what started me to understand what life was really about, as thanks to using the tips, exercises I was able to experience life outside of the body – and this gave me such a personal and undeniable understanding that we exist more than just inside a physical body – that consciousness is what is real. But not only that, being able to have out-of-body experiences opened amazing doors to explore what reality is truly made up of.
I really appreciate that not only does Belsebuub encourages people to verify their experiences and warns against creating beliefs, he gives several tips on how to verify that what we experience is real and how to separate imagination versus reality. He goes further and explains how we can use the astral realm for our own good and inner progress.
But this is not about convincing people that this is true – try it for yourself and discover the spiritual realities that we all have access to and what life is really about :)