Imagine you had never felt angry, how much would you understand about anger?

Imagine your eyes had never seen, what would you know of sight?

If you haven’t experienced spiritual and cosmic realities you wouldn’t know of them either, but it’s easy to confuse knowing and thinking when it comes to spiritual matters and thinking alone easily results in a belief system.

In spiritual terms thinking is the result of thought, while knowing is the result of experience.

There’s a tendency to look up to great thinkers in order to understand spiritual realities.

But distinguish between great thinkers and great knowers.

Great thinkers are great at thinking, great knowers are great at experiencing.

A knower can think, but a thinker without experience is blind.

Thinking about something is different from experiencing it.

Therefore: think and know, don’t just think.

And don’t be misled by those who just think.