This video is very helpful, thank you. It cuts right through to the core and helps me to see the reality of things. Something that I found useful to do after watching this was to reflect on those requirements. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing something.
I prayed for help to understand. Then, I just started with a brainstorm and a list. From there, things would come to me, often in a common sense way. I found it worthwhile because it is easy to become tolerant of behaviors and ways of being that would prevent one from accessing the guidance needed…when it could be a simple thing to change.
When going through tougher situations though, I find that I have to make a greater effort to try to identify the requirements. Those fruitful situations, for me, seem to have complications that make it difficult to figure out the right way forward, and the dilemmas faced can be almost overwhelming.
When I do make mistakes during these times, I learn so much though. Often the consequences of that decision or action seem magnified and almost dramatized, allowing for greater learning. Even if the consequences are hard to bear, I can learn from that mistake then, and so I appreciate it. Then, the importance of acting in accordance with whatever the higher principle is imprinted within me.
I find that when I am sincere and trying to learn from the experience and to do the right things, the right way forward does become more visible, step-by-step, which gives a lot of faith and strength.
James N
May 19, 2015 at 9:03 am
Thank you for sharing, appreciated.
john p
May 7, 2015 at 10:45 am
I found this video very helpful, thanks Mark.
April 24, 2015 at 9:45 pm
Thanks Belsebuub for this video. It’s what I needed to hear at this moment, especially about practicing more to have or maintain the contact with the spiritual. Easy to loose it. Thanks again.
April 23, 2015 at 9:41 am
Thank you Mark.
April 21, 2015 at 10:41 pm
Thanks Mark for yet another wake up call, these talks are great
April 21, 2015 at 9:55 am
A so powerful video! Thank you Mark deeply for bringing it up again. It helps me to remember things and gives me strength and insights to continue more uplifted.
It has so many points which speak so strongly in me:
-“We are the ones who need the knowledge…, and we have to earn that knowledge”
-“So someone who is explaining things to you then can do no more than explain them and then it’s for you to take whatever you feel and do what you think you should do in order to get knowledge if that’s what you really want”
-“…if things are been explained you don’t know if that is right or not…, but you need to find out…, those who are explaining can only explain”
-“You can’t see the target, but if you practice enough, you begin to see things that will show you more and more about the target…, you will begin to feel things within yourself which compel you in that direction, because it becomes a drive inside that you can not ignore.”
-“you got to get beyond that, you got to get further…, giving a hundred percent, there is no other way to do it than giving a hundred percent”
-“The demands and requirements are really upon us to fulfill. When we don’t fulfill them we are out of it.Simple as that”
-“They are not going to change the requirements to fit us. We have to change ourselves in order to fulfill their requirements for every step and every stage of learning and it’s very important to understand this”
-“The more that you practice the more you will find this contact with the spiritual and it’s important to have this contact”.
I really appreciate the guidance I had through my heart when I started these teachings. My mind doubted so strongly giving me so reasonably excuses not to attend, but the compel I strongly felt through my heart to do attend and try to explore and find the truth wouldn’t let me do anything else but that. And the more attention I gave to this sense and prayed for help and guidance, the more stronger and clearer it became and dreams came after to supplement it. I’m very grateful for that and in my life general this sense is the only thing that protects me and leads me right, if only I can be able to listen to it, getting out of my mind’s fog and noisy mess and the drives of my egos.
I too thank you deeply Mark for all the videos and talks you are making available from the archives lately. Indeed they give much material to reflect on and are a unique and big source of strength, support and guidance, helping me find each time what I need. Thank you.
April 21, 2015 at 4:36 am
Thank you for sharing this video.
It is a difficult lesson to hear: that there are very strict rules that we *must* adhere to, regardless of ignorance on our part.
Once, I was ejected from a classroom in the astral for failing to listen properly, and didn’t understand who it was that was giving the lesson. I was just starting out with this work, and didn’t appreciate the spiritual properly and who the teachers over there really are. (I was treating the time in the Astral with too much novelty and Pride). Now that I have learnt some lessons in this regard, I struggle to change and improve, and pay attention to when lessons are given.
April 21, 2015 at 3:27 am
What you’ve pointed out about how we need to fulfill the requirements to gain esoteric knowledge is really helpful. This and other points in the video have made me reevaluate how I perceive the Divine to be, and how I’ve most likely made many selfish demands instead of doing the real work to earn the knowledge. It’s easy to have ideas about things instead of getting in touch with that connection and really understanding. Thanks for posting this!
April 21, 2015 at 12:42 am
Thank you so much for trying to help us Mark/Belsebuub. I often find myself in my dreams in school and the situations of my daily life often bring choices to behave spiritually or not.
I guess for me it was always a challenge to treat the spiritual work in terms of “meeting the requirements” after passing through so many years of different schools in my life, where passing the tests and meeting the requirements was never truly objective and was always a source of great stress and pride, if successful.
But putting it all aside, approaching life in terms of an invisible connection with Beings that teach you and bring you to new levels when ready, definitely brings so much meaning and magic to life, and then you just want to apply spiritual efforts and apply them well, because there is a context of well defined and fair progress, which certainly is the most important thing in life.
April 21, 2015 at 6:15 pm
I know what you mean. In schools I’ve always felt that the tests were empty, pointless, that it had nothing to do with real things. Even passing them would not bring anything real and I knew that they didn’t assess me on anything that truly mattered. Although they did certainly cause a great amount of stress ;-) (But that was more of a social fear thing.) Even many teachers mostly cared about what grades someone was getting. They didn’t really see me for who or what I was. The teachers that did care about those things I felt more a connection with. And schools in general (apart from some language, basic calculus, basic skills and perhaps learning a profession?) are in my opinion empty as they don’t teach you anything that’s worthwhile in spiritual life.
But now. This, it is for real. These beings from other dimensions, they know us deep down, they know exactly who we are, they are able to see precisely the efforts we make, the heart of our prayers and also I imagine perfectly know whether internally we have reached the standard or change needed.
I feel, that we are incredibly fortunate. To see some of these things actually take place in the astral and in our lives is unbelievable. Yet it’s obvious how invisible this is to any person in the street.
I hope we can put our full efforts in right now. I wish everyone all the best.
April 20, 2015 at 11:51 pm
Thank you Belsebuub
April 20, 2015 at 3:38 pm
Thank you for this talk. The first time I watched it several years ago it dawned on me how important it is to understand the standard we need to have internally. It seems we sometimes may want to take giant leaps with the work, and wonder why access to esoteric knowledge is sparse, whereas the reasons lie in our own internal state and the way we choose to live and respond to life. At times this message seems very daunting, but even if I just reflect a little on how I can raise my standard I can sense a guiding element and a subtle but strong feeling of how important and urgent it is to take things seriously. After watching the video again I feel this message reminding me over and over again, as though my consciousness is digesting it throughout the day and reminding me to implement it.
April 20, 2015 at 12:31 am
Thank you.
April 19, 2015 at 9:43 pm
Thank you for the video, the point is very clear.
If this spiritual progress and deeper knowledge is what we want, we need to make the efforts to have the needed inner level and inner changes in order to reach the standard.
Even if, I imagine, divine beings wish the best for us and we yearn for progress, if the standard is not reached it cannot be given.
April 19, 2015 at 11:38 am
It’s great to see more and more videos are made available from the archives. Much material again for reflection. Thanks very much Belsebuub.
The part where you answer the question about not being able to see the target, that we should practice in order to receive hints about it and that this creates a drive within that compels us in a certain direction, reminds me of something I went through. Last year I had to make a few difficult decisions and sort some things out. The exact direction and what I was supposed to do was sometimes beyond me and seemed impossible. However, in those times it really helped me to pray a lot and practice more too to at least remain clear enough. Because of that, my dreams were making more sense to me and during the day I could at least see the egos present that could influence the decisions I needed to make. Despite it was not a compelling force in my case, it was still noticeable and guided me through the situations and still does. It’s amazing to realise how much guidance we can get and I wish it grows only stronger as I trust in it more and more.
April 20, 2015 at 12:17 am
That’s very inspiring Roy, its a wonderful example how we can bring the work to life. thank you for sharing.
May 18, 2015 at 1:53 pm
Thanks for sharing that Roy. Inspiring to read.
May 18, 2015 at 5:47 pm
Thank you very much Roy for sharing about this. I have experienced the similar thing when I was in a difficult situation too. Because the situation felt very bad/dangerous, but I was not sure what exactly I should do or what was the deeper cause, I decided to double my practices (mantras to be specific) and prayers to get clearer and to be able to “see” better. As a result of this, i was able to tap into the inner guidance and receive a generous help, which enabled me to act correctly. Had I not done all those adjustments to my daily routine, I don’t think I would have been able to act correctly in the given situation, nor to understand its deeper causes.
This video is very helpful, thank you. It cuts right through to the core and helps me to see the reality of things. Something that I found useful to do after watching this was to reflect on those requirements. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing something.
I prayed for help to understand. Then, I just started with a brainstorm and a list. From there, things would come to me, often in a common sense way. I found it worthwhile because it is easy to become tolerant of behaviors and ways of being that would prevent one from accessing the guidance needed…when it could be a simple thing to change.
When going through tougher situations though, I find that I have to make a greater effort to try to identify the requirements. Those fruitful situations, for me, seem to have complications that make it difficult to figure out the right way forward, and the dilemmas faced can be almost overwhelming.
When I do make mistakes during these times, I learn so much though. Often the consequences of that decision or action seem magnified and almost dramatized, allowing for greater learning. Even if the consequences are hard to bear, I can learn from that mistake then, and so I appreciate it. Then, the importance of acting in accordance with whatever the higher principle is imprinted within me.
I find that when I am sincere and trying to learn from the experience and to do the right things, the right way forward does become more visible, step-by-step, which gives a lot of faith and strength.
Thank you for sharing, appreciated.
I found this video very helpful, thanks Mark.
Thanks Belsebuub for this video. It’s what I needed to hear at this moment, especially about practicing more to have or maintain the contact with the spiritual. Easy to loose it. Thanks again.
Thank you Mark.
Thanks Mark for yet another wake up call, these talks are great
A so powerful video! Thank you Mark deeply for bringing it up again. It helps me to remember things and gives me strength and insights to continue more uplifted.
It has so many points which speak so strongly in me:
-“We are the ones who need the knowledge…, and we have to earn that knowledge”
-“So someone who is explaining things to you then can do no more than explain them and then it’s for you to take whatever you feel and do what you think you should do in order to get knowledge if that’s what you really want”
-“…if things are been explained you don’t know if that is right or not…, but you need to find out…, those who are explaining can only explain”
-“You can’t see the target, but if you practice enough, you begin to see things that will show you more and more about the target…, you will begin to feel things within yourself which compel you in that direction, because it becomes a drive inside that you can not ignore.”
-“you got to get beyond that, you got to get further…, giving a hundred percent, there is no other way to do it than giving a hundred percent”
-“The demands and requirements are really upon us to fulfill. When we don’t fulfill them we are out of it.Simple as that”
-“They are not going to change the requirements to fit us. We have to change ourselves in order to fulfill their requirements for every step and every stage of learning and it’s very important to understand this”
-“The more that you practice the more you will find this contact with the spiritual and it’s important to have this contact”.
I really appreciate the guidance I had through my heart when I started these teachings. My mind doubted so strongly giving me so reasonably excuses not to attend, but the compel I strongly felt through my heart to do attend and try to explore and find the truth wouldn’t let me do anything else but that. And the more attention I gave to this sense and prayed for help and guidance, the more stronger and clearer it became and dreams came after to supplement it. I’m very grateful for that and in my life general this sense is the only thing that protects me and leads me right, if only I can be able to listen to it, getting out of my mind’s fog and noisy mess and the drives of my egos.
I too thank you deeply Mark for all the videos and talks you are making available from the archives lately. Indeed they give much material to reflect on and are a unique and big source of strength, support and guidance, helping me find each time what I need. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this video.
It is a difficult lesson to hear: that there are very strict rules that we *must* adhere to, regardless of ignorance on our part.
Once, I was ejected from a classroom in the astral for failing to listen properly, and didn’t understand who it was that was giving the lesson. I was just starting out with this work, and didn’t appreciate the spiritual properly and who the teachers over there really are. (I was treating the time in the Astral with too much novelty and Pride). Now that I have learnt some lessons in this regard, I struggle to change and improve, and pay attention to when lessons are given.
What you’ve pointed out about how we need to fulfill the requirements to gain esoteric knowledge is really helpful. This and other points in the video have made me reevaluate how I perceive the Divine to be, and how I’ve most likely made many selfish demands instead of doing the real work to earn the knowledge. It’s easy to have ideas about things instead of getting in touch with that connection and really understanding. Thanks for posting this!
Thank you so much for trying to help us Mark/Belsebuub. I often find myself in my dreams in school and the situations of my daily life often bring choices to behave spiritually or not.
I guess for me it was always a challenge to treat the spiritual work in terms of “meeting the requirements” after passing through so many years of different schools in my life, where passing the tests and meeting the requirements was never truly objective and was always a source of great stress and pride, if successful.
But putting it all aside, approaching life in terms of an invisible connection with Beings that teach you and bring you to new levels when ready, definitely brings so much meaning and magic to life, and then you just want to apply spiritual efforts and apply them well, because there is a context of well defined and fair progress, which certainly is the most important thing in life.
I know what you mean. In schools I’ve always felt that the tests were empty, pointless, that it had nothing to do with real things. Even passing them would not bring anything real and I knew that they didn’t assess me on anything that truly mattered. Although they did certainly cause a great amount of stress ;-) (But that was more of a social fear thing.) Even many teachers mostly cared about what grades someone was getting. They didn’t really see me for who or what I was. The teachers that did care about those things I felt more a connection with. And schools in general (apart from some language, basic calculus, basic skills and perhaps learning a profession?) are in my opinion empty as they don’t teach you anything that’s worthwhile in spiritual life.
But now. This, it is for real. These beings from other dimensions, they know us deep down, they know exactly who we are, they are able to see precisely the efforts we make, the heart of our prayers and also I imagine perfectly know whether internally we have reached the standard or change needed.
I feel, that we are incredibly fortunate. To see some of these things actually take place in the astral and in our lives is unbelievable. Yet it’s obvious how invisible this is to any person in the street.
I hope we can put our full efforts in right now. I wish everyone all the best.
Thank you Belsebuub
Thank you for this talk. The first time I watched it several years ago it dawned on me how important it is to understand the standard we need to have internally. It seems we sometimes may want to take giant leaps with the work, and wonder why access to esoteric knowledge is sparse, whereas the reasons lie in our own internal state and the way we choose to live and respond to life. At times this message seems very daunting, but even if I just reflect a little on how I can raise my standard I can sense a guiding element and a subtle but strong feeling of how important and urgent it is to take things seriously. After watching the video again I feel this message reminding me over and over again, as though my consciousness is digesting it throughout the day and reminding me to implement it.
Thank you.
Thank you for the video, the point is very clear.
If this spiritual progress and deeper knowledge is what we want, we need to make the efforts to have the needed inner level and inner changes in order to reach the standard.
Even if, I imagine, divine beings wish the best for us and we yearn for progress, if the standard is not reached it cannot be given.
It’s great to see more and more videos are made available from the archives. Much material again for reflection. Thanks very much Belsebuub.
The part where you answer the question about not being able to see the target, that we should practice in order to receive hints about it and that this creates a drive within that compels us in a certain direction, reminds me of something I went through. Last year I had to make a few difficult decisions and sort some things out. The exact direction and what I was supposed to do was sometimes beyond me and seemed impossible. However, in those times it really helped me to pray a lot and practice more too to at least remain clear enough. Because of that, my dreams were making more sense to me and during the day I could at least see the egos present that could influence the decisions I needed to make. Despite it was not a compelling force in my case, it was still noticeable and guided me through the situations and still does. It’s amazing to realise how much guidance we can get and I wish it grows only stronger as I trust in it more and more.
That’s very inspiring Roy, its a wonderful example how we can bring the work to life. thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing that Roy. Inspiring to read.
Thank you very much Roy for sharing about this. I have experienced the similar thing when I was in a difficult situation too. Because the situation felt very bad/dangerous, but I was not sure what exactly I should do or what was the deeper cause, I decided to double my practices (mantras to be specific) and prayers to get clearer and to be able to “see” better. As a result of this, i was able to tap into the inner guidance and receive a generous help, which enabled me to act correctly. Had I not done all those adjustments to my daily routine, I don’t think I would have been able to act correctly in the given situation, nor to understand its deeper causes.