If sometimes you feel like there’s a taboo in discussing non-mainstream spiritual issues, it’s because there is. Most people just don’t seem to get it, and in a conversation you can end up getting nowhere, worst still, if you pursue it enough through society and various social structures, you’ll discover an evil that wants you to keep quiet, and doesn’t want you to know.
Evil is the best term to use here, I haven’t used it much as you get into the good and evil don’t really exist argument, but no, by evil I mean evil, and I’m sure you know what I mean.
Against the search for higher spiritual knowledge often comes the average person who doesn’t really know what metaphysics is about, they don’t know, they don’t care, and to them you look silly. Then there’s the bigoted religious believer who believes it’s not gods work and has to be stamped out (and god will thank them for it). Then there’s the bullies who find a poor person trying to explain about things no-one can see (the non-physical), what an easy target, a victim handed to them on a plate. And then there are those who know what higher knowledge is about and have their own esoteric agendas and want to stamp out the alternatives. Sometimes these use esoteric knowledge, but inverted, these can be truly evil, but they work in secret and are hidden.
This is worth some reflection:
Jesus said to them, “If you fast, you will bring sin upon yourselves, and if you pray, you will be condemned, and if you give to charity, you will harm your spirits.
When you go into any region and walk about in the countryside, when people take you in, eat what they serve you and heal the sick among them.
After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it’s what comes out of your mouth that will defile you.”
Extract taken from here:
I can relate to many points highlighted in this article. Practicing these teachings and explaining them to others showed me again and again that there are indeed individuals who don’t want this knowledge to be out there. Sometimes people would come to the session to disturb it for the sake of it. Other times situations were made difficult by those who didn’t want us to be there.
Reading this article helped me to see how others can put me down and stop me. Bullying being one of the means as its hard to give physical evidence of an out of body experience or when I understand an ego. It’s a shame to see society the way it is now and that there is the need to be intelligent when it comes to expressing myself.
I’m very grateful for the ceremonies you teach us about Belsebuub. Its inspiring to know hundreds or even thousands of years back ancient people were doing them for the same purpose as we do now. Participating in them was a bit strange in the beginning but as I joined several ceremonies more, they grew on me. The preparations leading up to the ceremony were often just as important as the event itself. It helps me to understand this awakening and that its something many many people throughout time tried.
Thank you for this empowering article.
A so meaningful and truthful article.
Detects the reality and the difficulties someone has to face when he wants to study, experience and speak freely about higher truths and spirituality in our societies.
And it highlights our rights and responsibility to fight and defend them and how important this is for our lives and our souls.
It really inspires and reaches me deeply, making me reflect upon the importance of this in my everyday actions and life.
“It’s your birthright as a human being, as a spark of divine consciousness to know truth and to search for it. It’s your right to return in oneness to the source consciousness, it’s what the whole universe was created for; don’t let anyone take away your right to do what you were created for”.
Thank you very much for sharing this article.
It’s actually heartbreaking to see that people who are interested in higher consciousness and spirituality don’t have a voice amidst all the taboos, atheism and sleep.
I remember even before I found these teachings, when I was a teenager, having a very hard time explaining to people certain experiences I had, or my thoughts about our purpose in life and spirituality. I could always sense there must be more to it than just a good career, nice house etc, but I could see that it wasn’t a “normal” way of thinking, even then. It’s strange how people can just accept things the way they are, even though it isn’t really an ideal way to live life.
Thanks for writing about this topic, it is really important. It feels like even over the course of my life the amount of restrictions and taboos placed on spirituality and mystical topics has grown quickly and in an almost suffocating way.
Hopefully with all of these new ceremonies, teachings and personal experiences, we can keep fighting against the sleep and make certain these precious esoteric truths aren’t choked out.
This is a great article that denotes the different challenges that one faces when expressing themselves through spirituality. I find this to be particularly true when interacting with family, close friends and even co-workers that follow a more acceptable belief system in society’s terms. At the same time, I can understand why some people would find it easier to just follow what is conventional, what they were raised to believe in traditionally, what society tells them is right and wrong, normal, etc., and what can be experienced and explained in the physical realm. To go against all this requires individuals to willingly challenge themselves and make a real effort in finding the truth that goes beyond what’s conventional. Thank you for reminding me that we owe it to ourselves to seek the truth and to fight for our right to obtain it.
I would like to thank you for this article.
Things to consider and to do.
Thank you for this article Belsebuub. I know what mean about people attacking you for wanting to teach and practice esoteric spirituality. There is a lot of hostility seething beneath societies surface, which I began to experience pretty soon after I got involved with running and promoting a group in my city. In recent years we have all seen how people can use that prejudice in society for revenge.
I’ve also thought the same about atheism. I think atheism comes from putting ignorance on a pedestal, sort of like thinking, “if I, in my infinite perception, haven’t seen God, then he mustn’t be there,” kind of thing. It’s strange becasue drawing conclusions from ignorance is not scientific. Of course people with an attitude like there are never going to put in the effort to search for the truth of something they would prefer didn’t exist, becasue to search you need humility and an open mind.
In Australia, I already feel that atheism is the most powerful belief system, and it means there is this underlying attitude of indifference, and even contempt toward spirituality, and increasingly to more traditional religions as well as alternative forms. Religion is something tolerated but generally not respected. Militant atheists say belief in God is primitive, and feel it is something that needs to be gradually removed from society as we “progress”. In a way their attitude, and the way they look down on people with a sense of self righteous superiority, is a lot like the zealous extremes of the religions they ridicule. Religious missionaries used to go to other countries with the aim to remove the traditional “primitive” religious practices existing there and replace them with their own “superior” ways, and that’s pretty much what atheists want to do with their belief in materialism as the ultimate truth.
This is also like a modern form of cultural colonialism, becasue by seeing belief in God or spirituality as primitive, you have to look down with disdain (usually from a predominantly western secularist perspective) on pretty much every culture in the world except your own, becasue pretty much every culture across the world throughout history has some shared understanding that there is a God or afterlife, or something more than just the physical world. This doesn’t conform to the atheists materialist belief system which demands physical empirical evidence for things which cannot be measured physically, making the non physical outside of their power and influence and therefore something they reject and oppose zealously.
To have such self righteous disdain toward so many cultures like today’s militant atheists do is arrogant and prejudiced. If this prejudice was predicated along the lines of race, it would be seen as racism, but becasue it is a cultural bigotry, the prejudice is concealed and couched as “progress”.
Anyway, it is definitely good to be informed about what we are all up against, and hopefully we can find new ways to explore and express spirituality in the world in spite of everything that opposes it.
You’ve made a lot of really good points there Matthew, thank you!
I concur.
Dear Belsebuub,
Thank you so much for this article.
I think its wise to see all the different angles of opposition we face when trying to express spiritual topics. It is great to read the article and bring light and objectivity to all the opposition and darkness that is against waking up.
Hello Belsebuub,
Thank you very much for your article. From my early age I was strongly drawn to the ideas which both felt right, but often appeared to be contradictory – being peaceful and fighting for truth.
Your article explains really well the need to defend the most precious thing which we all have – the inner spiritual – so it can be truly developed and shared wisely with the world.
So true that either many people don’t want to hear about spirituality, or have their own boxed ideas, or are actively trying to destroy the pursuit of spiritual knowledge..
When the solstices/equinoxes were first celebrated again, I felt an amazing connection with “universal spirituality” (that’s the only term I can think of to describe the experience). I’m so thankful we are in touch with this side of things as a community. Hoping more people can get in touch with this as well!
Thank you! Again this article comes at a time where it is needed and gives us all some perspective, clarity and encouragement. Thank you.
Awesome Article!
I have no words express how much good is this article
You gave very good answers in all those how want to silent you and others who want honestly to experience the esoteric studies
They learnt a lot from your teachings when before they didn’t know at all about all these. Their megalomania pushed them to lost their comon sense and they think wrongly that they have the authority and the “knowledge” to judge you negatively.
Thank you for this article!
This is a really encouraging article, I think, for anyone exploring the spiritual in society.
I’m sure we’ve all faced the difficulty of explaining what we do to others, or feeling awkward discussing spiritual values or practices at work or with family, wondering whether people will feel we’re in a “cult.”
The prejudice against non-mainstream spirituality is so ingrained, we hardly question it.
It is great people are beginning to fight for the truth and also supporting each other to pursue spirituality regardless of what others might think.
I am surprised to find this, I don’t have a lot of people experience and I try very hard to do the awareness practices in alignment with observing the egos. I find the more I learn about life and human condition, new personality types arrive. I just met (within days ago) a man who claims to be atheist. He is very young in age 19 (in comparison to my age) and I feel intuitively drawn to him to help him see light by leading through example. I pray on this daily and its been interesting to see how the universe is speaking to him. He is a man of science and I do appreciate his need to share with me what he knows. I feel like we can compliment each other as friends. My intentions truly spoken to him were to share my light, not forceably convert or any of the things that people do in ego space but just to share with him the joy that life can bring. I feel like maybe this has sparked his curiosity in light. So my question to the group, should you feel compelled, “Has anyone every had this type of experience where they have befriended “Atheists” and gently loved them enough to show them light. I relate this to the idea of how closed my heart was when my dear friend found me and loved me till i was able to see. The only difference foundationally is that I had love for God openly even though I was heartbroken and lost. My “Atheist” friend knows my love for God, has never shunned the idea, just kind of said, “I think I am Atheist” If this is my egos manifesting would you have any suggestions in regards to where to search myself? Thank you so much. Love and Light Awakening
Hi Awakening,
Thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts. As for your question, I can’t say that I’ve experienced something exactly like that directly, but I have seen over some years of participating at study centres and groups where this type of information is practiced, that many different kinds of people would come along and join in talks, discussions and exercises–believers of different religions and spiritual systems, random passers-by, curious seekers, and atheists seeking understanding of certain experiences they may have had or ones that turn to atheism due to the lack of concrete proof of divinity, etc.–essentially people of all walks of life. Sometimes it seems like the people with the least beliefs are able to dedicate themselves (even if temporarily) to an inner work and see the results and “the light”, as you describe it, on their own and it can become a very meaningful and even life-changing experience. I have seen with some friends how such a transformation happened with people that are very close to them, and who despite being quite against all of this, were eventually able to see the value of an inner work through the good and constant example of their friends or relatives. As I’m not sure what your relationships are like, etc., I don’t know exactly what is the best approach to help your friend to see “the light”, but you can certainly never go wrong by leading through example, using your intuition and sharing what you value with others when it’s appropriate.
Hello Awakening,
It’s wonderful that you wish to share ‘light’ with people; it’s a pleasure to read your post, thank you for sharing.
A good place to look for ego’s is in any attachments you may have. In this case you may (or may not) find an attachment to being understood by these people.
I did once feel compelled to share these teachings with a man who I knew had experienced mystical things. He is a fanatical atheist despite his experience. I felt it was appropriate at the time though because we’d discussed these things in depth before but had been missing the spiritual side of things. I could give him the missing piece of the puzzle that he’d once looked for.
He was whole heartedly against the idea of giving humanity the tools it needs to increase intelligence.
My advice is not to worry to much about directing your love towards any particular person in general. Try to grow love within yourself and allow it to be a part of yourself and then it’ll hopefully be directed at whoever happens to be around :)
Thank you for sharing with me. You both give me good words to reflect upon. ~smiles~
For all these years I was wondering when this kind of message will come from Belsebuub. It is what ultimately prevents working the 3rd key which is Helping Other Spiritually. This is almost impossible to do in my experience. Not only you run into brick wall, but this wall more like about to collapse on your shoulders even before you have the chance to run into it. One has to be very careful when assessing the person with whom to share this knowledge and even then disappointment often comes because the person does everything in their subconscious might to forget about it and think of something else.
As far as atheists go I think those are people who at some point actually thought that Church and religion has the answers, but after experiencing realities of life they got extremely disappointed. Although they will proclaim atheism they still have the dormant guiding principles pf the Being just as any other human being, and I consider such people to have more potential to understand these teachings than religiously zealous.
Finally I must notice and interesting part “Esoteric knowledge is powerful, elites know that, and so they keep the majority blind to it, and influence the masses so that they oppose it.”
In the light of all disinfo and conspiracy theories out there it would be nice to know how it is that elites “know” this?
Thank you!
It’s helpful to hear you explain these things. A lot of them I’ve experienced to be true, especially the mechanisms of what happens when you start talking to people about non-physical topics. It does put you in a vulnerable position, but even having seen and felt what it’s like to try to share this information with people, the way you’ve highlighted how suppression of esoteric knowledge works is helpful. It’s good to step back and see the wider picture of what is going on, and to be able to recognize some of the obstacles you face more clearly.
I would like to be more free to express myself spiritually….thank you for this article.
This article is great, and quite timely in regards to how I’ve been feeling lately.
I can relate a lot to this article and a lot to the comments people have made here.
Like Jenny, more and more I am feeling like I can’t fully express myself, my experiences, and my view points with others because it is outside of the norms of they way society thinks and responds. I can see that my values are different then society’s values, and at times at times I also feel quite restricted, that I need to appear to stay inside society’s box or risk being ridiculed, judged, harassed, or worse.
Similar to Suavi, I used to think that people would automatically would respect the way I choose to live my life, dedicated to a search for truth, understanding, and spiritual experience, and that most people were probably interested in that too, but over time I have seen that isn’t really the case, that people don’t often respect your views or the way you chose to live your life if they are different to theirs or outside of the conventional way of doing things.
This article has been quite helpful, the way you explain about all of this. It helps to put things into perspective, what we’re up against, and it gives me inspiration to keep going, to keep standing up for truth and to express myself spiritually.
As usual, your article made me reflect and reevaluate my approach to spiritual work.
What struck me is that I used to think that I have a guaranteed right, as a human being, to search for truth, learn and practice spirituality. And I felt that everyone should respect my choices and try not to interfere with my life or attempt to forcefully and against my will influence my decisions and choices. What a naivety! I feel that both passivity an fear have played a large part in creating that illusion in my mind…
“Those Who Are Asleep Want You to be Like Them” – this is so true. Habitually, people can be very negative towards the things or concepts they do not understand. I am convinced that one of the main reasons for such behaviour is the fear of the unknown. So it would be a responsibility of those who have at least some mystical experience, even if their knowledge is in large incomplete, to intelligently share it with the humanity and strive to make the unknown known.
Awesome, thank you!
Powerful and encouraging words, thank you Belsebuub!
It really would be very sad if higher knowledge and the means to attain it was lost to the world.
Thank you very much for doing your part to help keep it alive
I feel these teachings are so valuable and worthwhile it would be wrong not to speak up in their defense or to help pass on the message to those who might be interested in it when the situation calls for it.
With one of your previous articles talking about there being no great awakening that will automatically happen on 21/12/2012 (20 days away!) but instead it is the tipping point of when darkness becomes greater than the light it would seem an even greater need for speaking up and enduring ridicule etc might be coming…Certainly the elites seem intent on wrecking the whole planet and keeping the sheeple asleep and in line.
I mentioned how timely this article was and strangely enough only 1/2 hour ago I was having a chat with someone about OBE’s and the possibilities that we have to explore.
After that conversation I had a feeling to go to Spirit of the Cosmos and the first thing I saw was this new article being mentioned.
What my chat was about was pretty much contained within this article. This person talked about their experiences as a child and as an adult and they felt the difficulty to talk about their experiences because people would think they were crazy, but to me it was a shared reality. Those things they had experienced that I hadn’t didn’t seem obscure or frightening or even off-putting, but were things that were part of the possibilities of the realities that exist out of the body. I was uplifted talking with this person, and though they were happy to talk, there was still this feeling that it was just a moment in time and that this discussion may still be a bit of a taboo for them because of the influences of society. It shows how strong the influences are to stamp it out and to oppress the sharing of experiences that are more real than life.
How many more people in society are experiencing OBE’s but are too afraid to pay attention to their experiences let alone share them? This is possibly another unexplored reality in society, but because of the oppression by those in society like the athiest, churches, and evil doers then we will never really know but we can at least take up our right to express ourself and with integrity.
It seems to me that Atheism is the new religion and its roots have fed upon the oppression of spirituality and upon the fears to express oneself spiritually. This atheism is really going to be quite rife in society as more and more people take a self righteous attitude within this cold indifferent society, where science is king and environmental and human devestation is the norm
There are many in society that I can see, like Belsebuub you mention, that don’t care and they to me form the basis, or somewhat of an instrument, for those with vested interest to ridicule those that do experience spiritual realities.
I also can see that self expression requires the wisdom of the consciousness in itself as we need to be perceptive, intuitive and clear in our expression.
Your article is truly eye opening, encouraging and gives us heart Belsebuub, thank you so much.
I look forward to the exploration of this topic in life as it will definitely be interesting to see what is out there. :)
I am quite lost for words, I have just finished reading this article and I want to not only say Thank You but something else….yet I feel so overwhelmed with the power of this article that I don’t know how to express this. :)
Thank you so much Belsebuub for teaching us in this new way, thank you for reminding us of our rights to live spiritually in this materialistic world. You have provided us with some very important tools to navigate our way through these times.
thank you so much!
Thank you very much for this article and your encouragement! This is indeed how things are today, we can be happy at least they are not burning people on the stakes anymore.
I also noticed an interesting fact, that there are many people who intuitively feel that what we are saying has some truth in it, but because the society ridicules these things, they prefer to just keep in the “safe distance” from them, so they are not regarded as fools. This is very sad, and is most likely a result of those ‘evil forces’ you mention, who work hard on defaming this knowledge. If the atmosphere in the society was different, I think these people would be more willing to investigate things.
Thank you.
It is a shame that words like “spirituality”, “esoteric”, “mystical”, “higher knowledge”, etc. are met with scorn and contempt. It actually makes me personally feel very restricted as a person. Often when I am asked my views and opinions on things at work or amongst family and friends, for example, I feel that I cannot express how I truly feel and what I am truly thinking about in those instances, or worse yet have to “dumb” my ideas down to make them seem “more in line” with conventional views on things or at least not offensive to the views of the people inquiring. Not that my thoughts or views are “offensive”, but in those situations they certainly fall outside the views others are willing to ponder, and as such can offend them. In reality, how can there be frankness and “free speech” when you are limited as to the kinds of ideas you can share with others? What a strange paradox it is to live in a society that both fights for and stifles freedom of expression. Thank you for bringing this up for discussion and highlighting the ironies of the situation.
I don’t think you’re alone there Jenny, as this article is so pertinent to what is happening, how people are feeling and the confinements upon our spiritual expression that we are facing.
Thank you Belsebuub for the timeliness and intuitive nature of this article that renews our confidence and helps us to stand by the integrety of the spiritual work we have experienced and that you have fought extremely hard to share with us!
“What a strange paradox it is to live in a society that both fights for and stifles freedom of expression.” Well said, and so true…