Pop star covered in upside down crucifixes and doing a symbolic gesture in covering their eye – creating the all-seeing eye.
You should be active in your spiritual life.
You’re never going to discover why you exist, and what the purpose of your life is, if you don’t do something about it. Do you want to live your life superficially, or do you want to have a genuinely spiritual life?
Reading, discussing, watching videos and belonging to groups might be helpful to begin with, but ultimately it’s not going to get you there. If you want to have a rewarding spiritual life you’re going to have to EXPERIENCE.
It doesn’t matter what you think about consciousness, higher truths or different dimensions, it’s what you experience and what you are that counts.
Planes of existence beyond this world exist, there are higher beings, heavens and demons, and hell is real; I’ve been there. I’ve seen realities that can’t even be imagined or dreamed about.
Wake up and see for yourself what’s really going on. Be more conscious in your life and learn from the dimensions beyond this. But watch out, because you’re ingrained in a passivity that will stop you, and you don’t even realize it.
And the richest or most powerful politically among this planet use their knowledge to enslave humanity into worshipping false idols (celebrity) and slaves to money I.e.materialism. They swear a blood oath to receive light (lucifer’s forbidden knowledge) and rape and torture/sacrifice children. I’ll trust in the only book I find true wisdom in even though it was edited by the originator of speculative Freemasonry. SFB and tutored by the Queen’s (his mother) highest occultist JD 007.
I have issues with the Old Testament and Yahweh requiring burnt offerings (holocaust). Seems like same God as the Caananites to me. The New Testament is the new covenant I chose to believe in. Granted in a 400,000 year history of Earth it’s only 2000 years old. So many but only 1truth. Syncretism of the same story told time and again by different races and religions only the names have changed. Isis the Queen of the stars, Marduk, Osiris all interchangable in every religion. The only truth I’m afraid of is that there is only 1 true God and that entity is a malevolent blood thirsty, fear mongering, self serving egomaniac. It’s the beauty I see in nature, animals, and young innocent children that gives me hope the true God is none of those things. I pray.
To gain true spiritual power one must understand the common truths expressed through science,mathematics and spirituality. Symbols are on!y pointers, or binders that demonstrate the relationship between all three. Once you understand spiritual symbols fully from all three three aspects you will have no further use for them…unless you are a fool trying to tell everyone you are spiritually powerful, the greatest indicator that this person is not at all. Meditation is very important to empty the mind of fruitless garbage, but ultimately cannot gift you much power without visualisation. To the readers who have understood symbols from all three points of view, they will know why visualisation is so important. One can traverse the very stars and see multiple futures that may manifest, dependant on collective spiritual will. One may alone or through spiritual commune inflict injury upon their enemies from infinite distance, as long as those enemies are spiritually more adept than the aggressor. One must never try to heal themselves alone- for this fear of death will weaken you, healing must be a partnership entered into when another has decided they wish to help you heal yourself. Adept will understand this. To gain such abilities (and they are available to every conscious being in the universe), it is essential to know the darkness from which light is expressed. It is also essential to know what (not who) god really is. The greatest barrier to spiritual power is religion, for all religion is no more than man made constructs of the weak to prevent the masses from discovering their true power. There is no separation between dark and light- both eternally give birth to the other.
I have esoteric knowledge……I am initiated…..For those that have the ability to see deeper, a truth will be recognised…So know this..the esoteric is much more hidden then most realise… you must be ready to receive…the true medicine man of the village is born not chosen….So like all truths, esoteric knowledge is a contradiction…..The knowledge is available to all but only a select few can receive it….
[…] Belsebuub, Guest Writer Update Original Source: Belsebuub […]
Interesting article I mostly agree with. Personally, I’ve been through the new age and out the otherside. Here’s my take on it: http://spiritbomb777.blogspot.co.uk/
you SAID…”it is necessary to have levels of secrecy….for their own protection”….ONLY THE EVIL (government, for example…and FYI it is VERY WRONG to ASSUME government EVER works for the benefit of anything but the evil running it)….the fact that you said those things tells me you don’t understand yet…government is the EMBODIMENT of evil..it is ALWAYS VILE….ALWAYS WRONG….there IS right and wrong….and the ONLY government that is NOT vile is SELF government….government is the embodiment of violence as the solution…and it is the last resort of the LOSER/victim..it is acceptable only in defense ….true authority never needs force…beliefs are very bad….do not rest in them…they are literally the lack of knowledge…you also said the esoteric knowledge/symbols are still being used by corporations today..correct…and corporate law exists to escape personal responsibility…and jesus was an anarchist…you also said there is a “hierarchy of light” that has “lost its connection to society”…i’d like some evidence of that…otherwise..you’re starting to sound like one still buying into the left-right BS…you said many who rely on “science” believe the nonphysical is “constructed by the mind alone”…but what is worse…are those who deny the physical exists…those who claim the mind is all..and creates all…those who believe the BS about “manifesting”…and “karma”…i love to tell those xxxx that those babies in Gaza mustabeen real xxxx to manifest those bombs right into their cribs.
Hi Tracey,
I think unfortunately there are indeed governments in this world who don’t truly work for the interests of their people or the planet as a whole. I think this is to do with the overall level of ourselves as a humanity, as spiritual development isn’t something much sought after in society, which means spiritual qualities like care and love can’t manifest themselves very much in the world. I think this can lead to something like government becoming just a mechanism for people to pursue careerism and prestige, and this likely provides an institution of people who can be easily manipulated by people with more sinister intentions.
As an institution I think it has the potential to be a way for society to organise its overall work for the good. It’s said for example that divine beings are organised into a hierarchy for example, but one that’s based on an individual’s level of consciousness. I think if this was also followed in the world a great deal of change could happen, but it would take most people in society being interested in the development of consciousness to achieve, and I don’t think personally that’s likely to happen. As individuals though, we can change ourselves and increase our potential to help others. I think it all comes down to consciousness and inner development though, otherwise even with self-government, despite our best intentions, our own flaws are likely to stop us from being able to recognise good & evil for what they are and keep our efforts for the good chained to the ground.
In regards to finding out whether the hierarchy of the light reaches the world anymore, I think practicing something like astral projection is probably the best way to go, because it can give us a personal experience of spiritual realities, which is probably the best kind of evidence one can get. There’s a new book on astral projection by the author of this website coming out soon, but there’s already quite a lot of articles and descriptions of exercises for it here as well: https://belsebuub.com/out-of-body-experiences-and-dreams
An amazing and comprehensive article. Thank you for the updates and revisions. The topics are so well articulated and the logic path so smooth. It is a relief to study such all encompassing topics so clearly defined and succinct.
I was trying to see what the meat in this article was…what was the direction of the spiritual path – why is getting to knowledge portrayed as a struggle? What exactly are you trying to enlighten all of us on? I have lived my life always discerning the truth, the meat, the “who, what, where, when, why and how’s”. I have been taught and guided through my dreams since a young age – backed by research and questions in the waking moments of my life. So I’m no newbie to esoteric knowledge and the pursuit to learning. But moreover, I learned WISDOM and TRUTH are the key to awakening (not the fascination with the astral realms). I learned having something to oppose is part of an illusion to keep us distracted from learning more. The mind cannot learn if it is being bombarded with opposition. Critical thinking and DISCERNMENT are important here. Frankly, I ignore all the media hype, news, government, corporate b.s. (and I’m an admin so I’m well aware of trickle effects of wall street, money, games in the office, paperwork, contracts that mean zero, and all the corporate ideas to manipulate people). I make people aware as I talk with them when I see they are in need of knowledge and facts for any particular situation. If anyone is playing manipulative games with me, I walk away. Yes, even jobs on many occasions when the b.s. gets too convoluted and forces people to act in subversive ways to keep their jobs. It’s sad that this world uses money to force the ignorant to live within certain constraints. How deep the muck goes.
Although I can appreciate where you are going with this article, I heard nothing new or enlightening. In fact, I was looking for the examples so people can relate better what exactly you’re saying here. I thought, why don’t you say, turn off the TV and why? Or something of substance to help people wake up? Or that the astral plane is not where higher knowledge is taught, nor is it the playground a newbie should be playing in. Or that the astral plane begins with fun travel and soon our curiosity can take us to realms that have nothing to do with enlightening us, or that an angel of light can mislead the unquestioning mind? I disagree that gaining knowledge and truth and living it have to be a struggle. In fact, if there is too much struggle outside of oneself, that is the clue that we are being misled in some manner; manipulation is sure to be an ingredient. What I realize fully is that people may disagree, but it has nothing to do with my creative flow and free will to find a better way to do things in life or share through example and words what I know works. Let them disagree. It doesn’t stop me. Only I do that. I do not accept the choices most people think are available to them: the rock or the hard place – which is borne out of ignorance and presented to the ignorant and unaware. What I have learned is that when things become difficult in accomplishing a goal through others’ resistance (outside myself) or current constructs of societal thinking, I will and do find a way to not play in that playground….and build my own sandbox. I also learned that unconscious, uncaring people tend to make life so difficult for me that I walk away and remove them because they become energy drainers as well as it weakens my physical body to fight back or even succumb to their drama of ignorance (for the sake of “peace”). I am no match for fixing another’s self-imposed darkness that only interferes with my creativity for building better values, expression and life. Don’t be misled, if someone is clearly wrong and it will block my flow, I am sure to put up a fight with my words, actions and thoughts with clear conviction that cannot be shaken, standing in integrity. I also learned that learning in life through struggle only sucks the life out of me. Or that being complacent only perpetuates unhealthy, repetitive patterns and situations. Instead, I learn best through wisdom and calm (NOT the astral world – filled with obscure, unenlightened beings, the miserable waiting to have company as they are stuck in their conscious worlds of ignorance). I think it’s a false idea that difficult situations make us stronger (in fact, they weaken us). Truth is that if we resist the truth that we could see (and peace follows when we see the truth because now we can affect a real lasting rational change), it becomes more difficult on us to resist it through not knowing all the facts with meaningful understanding. So, instead of focusing on the evil in everything to shout it from the rooftops, simply be aware of the expressions of it in human behavior and beyond, and make the focal point Creativity. Tell others around you if they are expressing ignorance in relevant situations. Learn the laws of nature, how people operate, and use one’s creative flow for a better experience through free will. And one is protected when the truth is made clear. You begin to realize no one or nothing can take your soul or make you do what you don’t want to, especially if you are armed with knowledge. Otherwise, what’s the point in life if we walk in our pursuit of truth believing that it’s going to be a struggle? It sounds depressing. Or it promotes one to crawl back into the hole of darkness if they are going to have to fight. Or worst case, makes them egotistically believe they are going to be the “defenders of the truth” in some grandiose important way. It will keeps us in the astral plane of existence both in the waking time and sleep time. And I have found that the astral forms that attempt to oppose me are easily dissuaded to bugger off when they realize I do not accept anything at face value and question them. They RUN in frustration. Good! (and I have been up against some people deeply involved in government astral fear zones to attack me with lies and fear – but they stopped after having a temper tantrum when they saw I KNEW their game and refused to play – just gremlins trying to promote fear). I don’t need lies on my pursuit of the real answers. And that holds true for people on this earthly plane as well. Both operate by the same methods. You will know them by their fruits (actions, expressions).
Why does this need to be esoteric? It’s what mama should be teaching their children. Roll up your sleeves. Life is to be lived with free will and creativity. Let it show you all it has and your eyes can see. Be discerning and don’t advertise what you don’t want interfered with by ignorant, angry, frustrated, manipulative beings. That should be common sense.
If you have more you see that I missed, feel free to share.
Hey Laurie,
Thanks for sharing your reflections on this. Yes it would be great if mamma was teaching her children these kinds of things, but what to do in a world where mothers just do the best they can, teach what they know, and know little of the esoteric if they don’t teach contempt for it?
From my own experience of following my spiritual yearnings from a teenager, it has been about a struggle. You may say that’s why I resonate with the teachings found on this sight, but I do believe it goes deeper than that, and that there is a struggle inherent in esoteric development. A great example of this struggle portrayed in religious teachings throughout time is the Bhagavad Gita, the story of Arjuna in a war with his family, (his own blood – himself) guided by a divine being, Krishna. It can be seen as symbolising the individual’s war with his internal enemies, i.e our own subconscious mind that pulls us away from the divine, with our guide being the divine (Krishna).
Another ancient Hindu tale symbolic of this inner spiritual struggle (though it’s not just found in Hindusim, Christianity has its dragon slayers too!) is the Churning of the Milky Ocean, where angels and demons struggle to produce ‘the nectar of immortality’, i.e awakening. I recommend reading this article, as well as the others here, as you’ll start to get a wider picture of what Belsebuub’s teaching are all about. They’re certainly not about getting paranoid about the state of the world or being enslaved by struggle, the kind that a person who might have depression might experience. It’s about being able to percieve the reality of life, inside ourselves and in this world, and being set free from its bondage through learning how to overcome our own darkness and working to help others do that too. I see there’s a lot of awful things in this world, and it’s not just what I’ve read in the papers. Actively opposing the oppressive forces that work against the development of consciousness to me is something that feels natural. Why wouldn’t you want to work to stop terrible things happening to yourself and others? These teachings certainly aren’t just about astral projection, though this is recognised as the important tool for self-knowledge that it is.
Personally I had a lot of addictions and heavy states to overcome in my life, and the way overcame them I experienced as a struggle. It wasn’t a case of just deciding to do it, it was a tug-of-war of control until the grip these forces had over my life weakened.
Hi Laurie,
I’m not the author of the article (obviously), but I just read through your comment and wanted to tell you how I relate to the information expressed in it — my perception and life experience seems to be quite different to yours in this case.
I don’t think I’ve learned anything in this life if it wasn’t for adversity. With each difficult, unknown, or challenging situation, I’ve always come out with a new understanding of myself, of the world, of the circumstances surrounding those events, etc. It’s not that I look forward to my life being one big adversity or anything like that, but that I do recognize the value in facing hardship and extracting knowledge out of it. It’s not about negativity or depression, nor about imposing adversity upon yourself in any way, but it’s about seizing every opportunity in life to extract learning — be it pleasant or unpleasant.
I don’t think you could get that same kind of learning, or get to see the real you from the inside out, if it wasn’t for circumstances that make these things surface. Otherwise it’s nice going around thinking you’re a nice person, that you’re above acting like this or being like that, that you don’t have that darkness within, etc. But all it takes is a small circumstance sometimes to shake everything up and before you know it you find yourself acting in ways you’ve never imagined you even could.
It’s easy to walk away from things, to block unpleasant people or elements of life off, cut off “bad” external influences, etc. But then it’s like tucking things under the rug — “no problem here…”, but what’s really going on inside remains hidden and unchanged.
About the astral, I don’t view it the way you described. You’re right that just getting out of the body and having convoluted or nonsensical experiences isn’t necessarily all that meaningful. But I find it can be an incredible source of knowledge if approached correctly. Sure there are many experiences that are influenced by our own psyche or by external “buggers”, as you called them, but those aren’t the experiences you’ll get that true higher learning from — even though they are valuable in themselves as well, if you make the right use of them. There are teachings and truths you can only come to understand in the higher realms — when you experience it, the teaching you’re left with is unshakable and unmistakable. The way that things can be conveyed is simply incredible — one sound, a symbol, can penetrate you so deeply and express things that can’t even be put into words, that shake up your understanding or everything in life, that help you get closer to the truth. Those are the kinds of experiences to strive for.
I also think that some of the points you brought up as “why aren’t they being discussed here” are in fact discussed a lot on this website and in the books available and are addressed in great detail in various other articles and works. I can’t imagine being able to condense “truth” and literally everything you need to know into one single article…
Lastly, just wanted to relate that to me it’s important when people speak out about these subjects — I wouldn’t want to silence them personally. I’ve been silenced too many times myself in many ways, even if simply feeling uncomfortable at expressing how I really feel about certain world events, etc. I do see the importance of humanity realizing that things aren’t as simple as they seem, that there is a lot more behind all of this — if you see it, you can potentially wake up out of the illusion you’ve been engulfed with, and perhaps learn to be empowered to do something about it. I agree that it’s nonsense to fill yourself with some kind of righteousness in “saving the world” or become consumed by it. But I see nothing wrong with being aware of the possibility of these influences upon daily life and exploring in your own way how, why, and where that might affect you.
Jenny and Ella,
You both expressed so many points that resonated with me very much– I can’t really even pick out a few, it would be a majority of your posts. Thanks for taking the time to convey all of that.
And thanks, Laurie, for bringing forward your perspective :-)
Hello Laurie,
Thanks for your comment.
It appears a lot of the questions you’re asking in relation to this article are meant to be rhetorical; however a lot of them have answers.
The struggle to learn and gain wisdom is immense. Think of what a young person today has to struggle to get past in order to learn? In my neck of the woods the first and most formidable struggle is against ignorance, closely followed by the education system, then something they call ‘the news’; it never ends. That’s in a mundane sense, before they get to their own inner struggle for spiritual knowledge.
Hello Laurie,
Thanks for you comment. To me, it seems your questions stems from the sort of cultural conditioning the article discusses. The first point the raised is: how humanity has become passive/domesticated and how people have become happy to be entertained and directed in how to think and what to do. In your comment you wrote, “why don’t you say, turn off the TV, and why?”. Laurie, where’s the freewill and understanding in telling people what to do; when you can shine a light so everyone can come to understand the nature of the problem for themselves and potentially find their own solutions.
The article also discussed humanities cultivated penchant for seeking pleasure and aversion to difficulty, e.g. laying low and/or walking away from corruption, instead of standing our ground and doing the difficult, but just thing to do (without any negativity). I guess we all have to make personal choices regarding the battles we fight. The poisoned state of this world has happened one corrupted decision at a time over centuries, Good people need to find a way to work together regardless of their beliefs and or specializations – after all we are the majority.
In regards to your comments about suffering and astral travel: I have to say I haven’t persisted with this work because I’m hooked on, or even good at, Astral travel. I persist because I have suffered. Discovering the Truth can hurt like hell, but ultimately, it heals you. Why would you take bitter medicine if you didn’t think you were sick.
Hi Laurie,
I do not find struggle and opposition as depressing, but rather realistic. The state of the world we are living in is not good. Most people live in very bad conditions, with billions of people struggling everyday for safety, basic necessities, and health issues. It may not be in one’s own backyard, but it surrounds us. Internally, we suffer with states of greed, hatred, anger, fear, etc…How can we hope to overcome it by deciding to be wise and creative?
There are real and substantial issues that we have to face, oppose, and overcome to get to states of peace and stability.This seems to be the case in most situations in which a change is needed, also and makes logical sense. I do not see how we would get anywhere just by deciding to be wise, when those states within can still influence our decisions and actions. I think Belsebuub is giving a practical way forward.
Belsebuub also goes into extensive detail about the role of good and the incredible opportunities to work with spiritual forces in that article. He explained practical ways to help and also develop spiritually. He has also discusses wisdom and qualities of consciousness throughout his teachings…and he explains how to use spiritual practices and esoteric experience to transform ourselves to acquire these.
My experience differs from yours regarding the astral dimension. It confirms some of what Belsebuub discusses in this article, in that there are also spiritual Beings and places there. To trash and disregard that seems like a huge mistake to me, as the opportunities to gain knowledge and understanding there are incredible and critical to spiritual development.
Wow. Thanks for being honest and to the point. I am trying to find reliable, truthful information that could possibly lead me in the right direction. However, I am having difficulty finding material that has any “real knowledge ” to learn from and practice. If by some chance you read this, please contact me. I would love to hear more from you in regards to spirituality and awakening
I understand most of your article however don’t really agree that celebrities covering one eye is any indication of revealing their all seeing eye or eye of illumination. The eye of illumination as you call it is called ‘ the third eye’ in the center of the forehead between the two eyes. Covering one eye could suggest being one eyed or could suggest covering the left brain hemisphere or the right brain hemisphere or something along those lines. The ultimate aim is to bring these yin/ yang forces to a state of perfect balance and harmony by transcending duality.
While celebrities covering one eye may not mean anything to them (most have perhaps just been told to do that for photos), with all combined evidence it’s hard to deny that esoteric symbols have been hijacked by sinister forces.
Here are a couple of articles you may find interesting:
Thank you so much for helping me to wake up. It’s obvious to me that there is a stream of darkness emanating from the ‘entertainment’ corporations, designed to keep us as Sheeple. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to learning the white esoteric knowledge. I just hope I can gain the necessary courage and wisdom.
Hi Nick,
Great you wish to learn white esoteric knowledge. I’d recommend learning to practice to gain direct experience and knowledge, rather than just seeking out and acquiring intellectual knowledge.
Esoteric Knowledge is miss-understood, simply having a teacher does not mean you can become esoteric, It basic principles structure you knowledge. Not everyone is capable of doing this, it is like learning to read from scratch without a teacher. To be esoteric is to be initiated, this true initiation has nothing to do with religious cults or secret societs it is just an extended state of the human condition. Its guift is to see past the countless facets of the occult. Its ability is to realise what is relevant and what is not to its end!
Where can I learn more about Esoteric Knowledge? Are there classes? And if so, how would I know if it is the knowledge of light instead of darkness? Anyone please?
Hi Antonio,
The free ebooks on this site are a great way to start. Personally I started with learning how to astral project (Out-of-body experiences), it enabled me to verify the spiritual world and change my understanding of reality. Because of that I wanted to learn more and started to study the other books. But realising that we exist beyond our physical body was a big deal and gave me a strong base to take this information seriously. Also, I was able to then verify that demons of darkness exist as well as divine beings.
Have you had a look as well on the resources listed on the main page? There a few good links there.
Hope this helps, best wishes :)
Esoteric knowledge is not suppressed!!!!!!!! I WILL SAY IT AGAIN ” ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE IS NOT SUPPRESSED”…. It is simply beyond the average person to understand. The information is available to all. You can study enough mystical systems that are available to us to become esoteric. The reason we think it is suppressed is because it is a rear thing indeed to meet a true initiated person. And if that person climbed to the roof tops and screamed out the truth for all to her no one listening would be any wiser for the knowledge would be beyond them. To be initiated in the esoteric arts has many meanings, it means the vast knowledge of mystical material can interrelate with itself to create a filing system for the mind which is guided by understanding ( feeling ), this gives the ability to create a spiritual map of existence through knowledge. All information is filed correctly so as the truth is very difficult to hide and easy to hear. One last word, this is not understanding in its purest form meaning that even at the highest levels of esoteric understanding it is still only knowledge, it will not help with patience at the dinner table with the kids screaming after a hard days work. That is a different path all together.
You might be interested in the website http://www.consciousreporter.com – it talks a lot about the different ways that esoteric knowledge and things related to it are suppressed.
It’s a bit scary, the more you look into it you see that not only is esoteric information not well known and not understood in the world like you mentioned, but there is definitely an agenda to stop people finding it, to make them negative towards it and to encourage and promote the darker sides of esotericism rather than the light.
I just want to say thank you. This is the first article i’ve read from Belsebuub. I am going to share it with someone that i love so that they can finally awaken to these things. Sometimes for a lot of people it’s a difficult thing to realize the truth’s of this world and this article is perfect. Thank you once again.
I really enjoyed this article but as I try to become conscious its hard to find help in doing so as you said you can read watch videos and etc but there need to be some physical work. You spoke of initiation for the white light, so were can you begin to do this. Is there people out there willing to help some one like my self. I have been studying on chakras and meditations. I just want to become awaken the correct way with some one who’s an expert at awakening. I’ve read on kundalini or other things. Please help.
Hello Rhonda,
I understand how you feel.
In my experience a great place to start getting information is in the astral plane. This book is a great resource of information on how to become conscious there:
This book is a good resource to follow this up:
You may need to cut and paste the links.
Hi Rhonda,
I can also relate to your feelings. It is really hard to find today “exactly what to do” to awaken for the light, isn’t it? Author of this website used to run detailed courses on this, and it was the best and most pragmatic approach I have ever encountered, based purely on personal investigation and practices. Now you can find the basic things in his 2 books that Martin recommended, and then there used to be another book talking about more advanced details called Secret Knowledge Hidden Wisdom, but it is being worked on now to be put in the ebook format (last book on the page here https://belsebuub.com/free-spiritual-ebooks).
Wishing you all the best in your search, and lots of Divine guidance!
ALSO be wary of the New Age ‘all positive and light’ brigade. One of the most amaziing books (vital to read) which exposes the New Age and the patriarchal belief systems is Return of the Dark/Light Mother or New Age Armageddon? Towards a Feminist Vision of the Future , by Monica Sjöö,
Nature is sacred, and the body is sacred. They are not born in sin, fallen, the realm of the ‘prince of darkness’ illusion/Maya, a trap of the divine spirit, a ‘3 D reality’, a ‘5 sense prison’, and other demeaning terms. All of those descriptors comes from the same mindset in different guises which are intended to make us distrust nature, the body, and our own being. Making us paranoid, fearful, anxious and distrustful.
Earth is being attacked on all sides, and we need to re-member, regain this very ancient respect and love for this wonderful Earth and universe.
A confronting read, but definitely something all seekers need to be informed about. Thanks for shedding light on what we face, and providing an inspiring message on how we can break free from darkness and ignorance.
Hi, I don’t know how I found this site, but I was meant to find it, that’s for sure! Been travelling this road a long time and it is quite rare to come across this information. Thanks for making it available.
Just a couple of questions, I’ve been working through ‘A Course in Miracles’ and much of the work centres around the principle that we create an illusion of ‘reality’ with our ‘lower mind’ or ego. This illusion diverts our attention away from Divine awareness. (I hope I got that right, and am making sense). The text and exercises seem to revolve around the use of the mind and altering perception or perspective. I have had experiences similar to the ones you mention on this site and these seem to be at odds with the what I am trying to achieve in ‘A Course in Miracles’. I don’t know whether you are familiar with this book, but I would appreciate your view on this even if you have to do so privately.
The same goes for the book ‘Steps to Knowledge’ by Marshall Vian Summers. It is similar to ‘A Course in Miracles’ but focusses more on correcting behaviour and thought. I understand there is a ‘purification’ process to self realisation, but both of these works seem to be somehow counter intuitive. There is something that just doesn’t seem to sit right with me about these processes. I don’t know what it is and I don’t want to be wasting my time on something that is going to be unproductive.
Hi Simian
I hope you don’t mind me commenting, but I just wanted to share my experience with what you’re going through.
I was brought up in a religious orthodox family where belief in God was strong, and although it helped me to learn about God and to ‘believe’ in God, I soon became at odds with the approach because my personal experiences started to step outside of the dogma of belief. I faced a similar question that you face, which is right; but in my case it was whether it was my established ‘God fearing’ upbringing or take up the spiritual exercises to discover more about what I was feeling, and had been for a while?
Around that time I started to have out of body experiences that I didn’t know what they were, I also was drawn to the possibility of past lives because I could see that I had understanding beyond my current experiences of life that I didn’t know where it came from, and which my orthodox religious upbringing did not condone. As you can imagine being brought up to fear God, I didn’t want to go against God, but I also felt there was a great deal of love. It was a very difficult and confusing time for me, but what resonated with me the most was the information Belsebuub offered, it spoke to me with a sense of know how that I knew was true because I experienced what he taught. I began to understand that there was so much more and going out on a limb was intuitively the right way to go. It was also the first time that I had come across such information that, at the heart of it all, was what I was truly after, Self Knowledge.
I know how you must be feeling, its the uncertainty that makes it confusing. Take away the uncertainty and see what you have.
All the best.
Course In Miracles has some very dark ties and is generally considered a “light – based mind control” New Age deception, mixing truth with a lot of spiritual poison.
Thank you for this powerful and meaningful article.
Speaks directly in me, showing me where I’m weak, shocking me, making me reflect, reconsider and giving me a boost.
The more I read it and try to perceive what it says, the more strength and inspiration I get and determination starts to increase in me.
Thank you once again.
Thanks for this article, it is very informative and eye opening and at the same time encouraging.
Some points remind me of this quote; [em]”The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”[/em]
Looking at some music videos of pop stars the dark symbolism is so blatant. But people are unaware of the dark influences that are affecting them. Gradually over the years I’ve seen that darkness has taken over, or is very present, in all sectors of life; the entertainment industry, deception in spirituality and religion, politics, the food industry, the energy industry, science fields, the medical industry, cover up of extraterrestrials etc.
I guess most people don’t know about it and are focused on themselves, on chasing pleasure and are thus carried in the direction of darkness. And I’ve seen people who have seen a bit of the bad state of the world and often try to do a little in their ‘field’, (like many environmental movements) but lack the techniques, knowledge and means to make big changes in themselves and in the world. For those few who bring out real truth and changes, that’s like starting a war, like lighting a fire in a dark cave with evil bats.
Yet the opportunity mentioned about how we can use the struggle against darkness for learning, change and to help the world is amazing. It invites one to be active and choose an interesting, challenging, but very worthwhile life.
Thank you.
To me some concerning points are being put forward in this article, and they have shaken me in a good way. It feels like I’ve been living in a dreamlike reality and I’m trying to wake up time and again. It’s this image I have of the world where everything is rosy and things will always be like this. I think this ties in a lot with the part where Belsebuub speaks about the sleeping majority and the sheep like behaviour to believe what is presented by the media.
Reflecting on the music industry, my youth, the songs I used to listen to, the idols and imitating their behaviour, it left me with a very sad feeling. I’ve been so much influenced by the media and mostly being totally unaware of it. So much time was spend leading me nowhere really. It also made me see how much effort is made by those who want to control and highlighted the activity made by them but also how this compares to my efforts to bring forth light within the world and within myself.
Thanks Belsebuub, that’s a fantastic article. It’s great to have some light shone on those things.
Taking a look at some of the things you’ve pointed out in this article, as well as observations I’ve made myself when looking at the music industry, celebrities, politics/government etc, it’s incredible that so many have fallen prey to what really seems clearly evil or dark.
It’s horrible that humanity is being domesticated in this way, when each of us carries an incredible amount of potential to experience something much greater.
It’s inspiring to have the tools and opportunity to break out of this sleep and away from this darkness and it really shows me how important and urgent it is to help others to get the chance to break out of it too.
Thank you for this article Belsebuub.
Awesome Share!
A great article that clearly states the dire situation we are in.
“Wake up and see for yourself what’s really going on. Be more conscious in your life and learn from the dimensions beyond this. But watch out, because you’re ingrained in a passivity that will stop you, and you don’t even realize it.”
These are powerful and inspiring words to read. We face a darkness within and without, which constantly wants to devour us. The idea that groups at the higher levels of society are manipulating peoples psyche , to distance them from anything pure and spiritual is truly disgraceful, and this is what is going on.
As Belsebuub pointed out in another article, “darkness is now greater than light for this humanity, it’s in the slow beginning of its end”. This article is quite timely and its is good to become aware of the darkness external to us as well, for this external darkness wants us to submit to our inner darkness. Seeing this, should increase our resolve to fight it.
Thank you for this insightful article Belsebuub. :-)
and thank you very much for your sharing this, Belsebuub. :)
I am glad that the people here are genuinely seeking for truth beyond what is easily seen. Namaste. Be strong, my brothers and sisters in the Light. :)
Thank you for an incrediblly revealing article!
It really is astonishing and very sad how humanity has arrived at the point of fearing and hating true white esoteric spirituality, the very thing that gives life and purpose to our existence.
The point you make here,
“get knowledge and don’t fall into the trap of drawing conclusions from ideas that have no esoteric experience behind them. It’s easy to do that, but you’ll just stay blind to higher truth, even if you fight for truth on a physical level. Fight for truth on all levels and empower yourself with white esoteric knowledge.”
highlighted within me how easy it is to spend years not really aiming for and/or gaining experiences, living on the periphery of a real spiritual life – but thinking we are in it. Making it a religion and living of the experiences of others instead of acquiring our own.
Your article really has inspired me in so many ways. Thank you very much for the insights and the thoughtfulness of what you have shared, your love for humanity is unmistakable.
A great and inspiring article, thanks very much Belsebuub.
I remember seeing some of the recent London Olympics opening and closing ceremonies and being shocked at how blatant some of the dark esoteric symbolism was and equally shocked how the people around me at the time had no idea about it. Not that having some awareness of this stuff going on in the physical equates to true esoteric knowledge as you inspiringly point out.
That the hierarchy of light could be so broken in this world is utterly terrible!
That those of us interested in this work have the chance to do it and still be helped with it is magnificent!
Many thanks for your guidance and inspiring words!
Thanks very much Belsebuub for shedding light of the reality of these things to us through this article. We do indeed live in dark times and reading this article just confirms this.
I have been reading this article over a few times, and was astonished by the information I missed. I’m still going to have to go over it a few more times.
There is a popular rule that many Vampire stories go by in which a Vampire cannot enter your home like an invisible force field is there unless you invite the Vampire in.
I have noticed within popular entertainment and media, TV, music, movies, games etc.
A person turns these things on or brings these entertainments home in the first place (giving permission to enter) and allows those forces to penetrate their psyche, especially by not being conscious. Through this people are worshiping these entertainments of evil. Since it is so highly valued, it becomes a form of worship and if what is valued is very dark and evil then a person is lead to unconsciously worship evil.
Recently from what I have noticed is that one of the main agendas is to have a “revolution” where by the people overthrow the governing bodies. It’s too bad that most people are being hypnotized to follow directions and are unaware of how those motives where programmed into their psyche, which is through the highly valued entertainments.
Thank you so much for this article. It is tragic that we have become like passive sheep and that most of humanity is completely unaware, and so disturbing the pervasivness and bombardment of the dark forces, particularly by the media and “role models” for today’s youth, but at the highest levels as well.
Thank you again for your words of wisdom and inspiration to fight.
Interesting how the EU picture shows the adult people with block-heads, while the baby has a round head.
Children often show amazing potential but after all the vaccines, fluoridated water, junk food, TV, low grade education etc, most end up as block heads.
Thank you for this article. It is very well written and provides timely warning.
Thank you Belsebuub for writing this article and revealing your insights and experiences.
I have had a small number of experiences with beings of darkness in the astral plane- and as unpleasant as it was, it has shown me that they do exist.
I’m inspired to become a good person & wake up.
Thank you
Thanks very much for this article. I found it very helpful and inspiring.
For example, the insights regarding the domestication of the human race are really helpful…bringing perspective to issues that are impacting us, but that as you say, can be difficult to recognize. This article helped me to see just how serious these obstacles are and how much focus, persistence, and activity is needed to break through and to experience things of a spiritual nature.
It also helped to create an inspiration to reach towards those experiences, and not to wait for them to happen. I feel very inspired to renew my efforts and approach to experience things in other dimensions, for example. I think this will be one of those articles that many of us will refer back to when needing to bring things into perspective.
Regarding passivity, something that I have found disturbing in recent years is how many of the products marketed towards young children promote passivity. There are groundbreaking educational shows and technology-based learning toys, however, young children (2 – 7 years) are now often glued to televisions or attached to toys that function very much like video games. On top of this, there is an alarming trend of diagnosing young children and putting them on medications that impact how they interact with their environment, arguably increasing passivity. All of these seem to be promoted and encouraged by societal values. The combination of different factors that are shaping the future of our world is alarming.
Thanks again for this insightful and inspiring article!
I noticed this too Gabrielle, kids today seem to have problems to even play on their own, unless they have a computer or TV. What’s more, some of the shows for kids I’ve got to watch with my niece were really strange, encouraging lack of control, speaking somewhat bad language and in general being overly emotional or aggressive. I noticed after she watched them, she would behave differently for a while, getting more “courage” to say bad things to us, even just out of the blue, without any reason.
Thank you Belsebuub for this astonishing article – its timing is appropriate given the way the majority of people are and continue to be conditioned by society’s standards. It’s alarming and disturbing to see how many people fail to question the information they are exposed to from the various different influential mediums and organizations, comfortably accepting things as they are without having a clue to their affects on them individually and collectively. I think the message from the article is pretty clear : there is an urgency for each of us to do what is necessary to be aware, fight oppression/passivity and to wake up.
There’s plenty to investigate in this article, thank you Belsebuub.
Thank you very much for putting all this information out. I hope it will reach as many people as possible.
I have also came across a documentary lately, that speaks about some really dark practices in pop music industry in particular, including violence, dark rituals, inverted symbols, etc. The sad thing is that young people take those pop stars as their role models, copy their life-style, etc. I know I have been influenced a lot by the pop music in my teenage years, and can clearly see now how it was strengthening some of my worst egos at that time. And today, this industry is even further down the road…
The medium is the message. A cradle to grave program. Just a program. Focus on the positive changes hidden behind the ugliness of the world stage. Your mind is so strong! The process is so simple, while seeming impossible to us as we slowly awaken to the realities of where who and what we are sink in. When you are awakening, you will see through the facades and lies and distortions. Those beings are possessed by the program, and have no idea.:) Others have a c lear idea and yet go to the dark side, the madding crowd is always wrong \:)
Not easy being green eh :)
Trust is a key. Trust unlocks the gateways. When belief gave way to trust everything changed.:) for the better.,
Still under attack, but protected. I win. Always.:) Decades of winning. The test is not over till the last awakened spirit is heading home. The doomed are what they are. Doomed..eternally gone. Dissolved with the bubble of this universal testing ground.
There’s an endless infinite megaverse out there, populated by immortal spiritual beings. Heaven is a guilded cage where nothing much happens. This is where the action is folks. A multidimensional Hunger Games.:) What’s your hunger ? It is here..:) The good the bad and the indifferently sleeping. That’s my cue to go to bed now.:)
I was always wondering why the elites would make esoteric symbols apparent in such an obvious way. Especially to people that don’t even know what these symbols mean.
Now it makes more sense though.
There are constant messages in modern pop and rock music and generally in society that it is ”cool” to be bad and that all things of the light are boring and strange.
There are crimes committed by teenagers even at schools and many people overlook sublime as well as obvious messages in violent movies and hardcore music and blame only guns or even only specific individuals.
It seems that the system is rotten from its roots. The elites know how to manipulate people and be the bad shepherds that lead the sheep to the cliff.
Apparently though the sheep are equally responsible for their fate since they could just change their direction instead of allowing to be lead blindly.
I find that your message Belsebuub is one of hope. An invitation to wake up and dynamically pursue the light. It contradicts anything lukewarm and hits the nail on the head on what needs to be done to help humanity. I hope it reaches as many people as possible.
It seems more urgent than ever to enhance, increase and awaken our consciousness and help others do the same.
It really feels like the sweep of darkness is approaching faster and faster gaining momentum. As a matter a fact its already here… Outside and Inside.
What tremondous effort we must all make right now, to not be swept away by it.
May we all gather strength, and support each other in this terrible battle for middle earth.
This must be that final battle between Light and Darkness we have heard about our entire lives, what a terrible struggle, but knowing that this battle takes place within a person shows the divine beauty of this spiritual work. what a quest, what a battle, I say this as if we were all together right now in the trenches because we are infact.
May we all give it everything we got, our soul is at stake.
Thank you Belsebuub, Im glad to have met you and been able to have access to your teachings in this life and in this time of battle.
As Jordan said keep’em coming!
It is shocking to see these dark forces permeating everything we are exposed to nowadays (media, merchandise, architecture, governments and legal bodies, etc.) in such an open manner. Well, maybe not that shocking — the dark side seems to have a need to be noticed, so I guess it’s not that surprising.
I was actually recently talking to a friend about the movie Metropolis, and subsequently watched parts of it. How terrible it is that people don’t even realize what they are watching! It is such a dark film, full of references to the powers of the dark side over society (especially if you’ve seen the types of ceremonies the elite of the world carries out in private gatherings), and yet it is considered a highly acclaimed work of art.
“Heretic, blasphemer, witch, pagan, cult, these are all bigoted words meant to shut people out of society and destroy them.” –> It is interesting that this is the message that’s spread around, and that spiritual communities are often ridiculed, shunned, or persecuted based on these labels, and yet the people doing the persecuting often don’t realize how the people in power themselves actually use ancient rituals which would easily be considered “pagan”, “cultish”, “witch-like”, “heretic”, “blasphemous”, and evil by most. The things seen in the media are usually only hints of things, but there are much darker and intense things going on behind the scenes that I think more people should be aware of.
You said, “A small number of initiates of light in the world could create a powerful force for good.” How many exactly?
Takes 7000000 to awaken to create change. We are well past that, see all the changes happening? Positive changes? Look for the positives. The negatives are just part of the training program and actually only have the power we give them..
The insane have a built in self destruct mechanism too, never fails. See it every day. Everywhere. But remember, cornered animals can be dangerous.:)
Ya know, Shift happens.:) This one no different than all the others. Today collective awarness is accellerating. More and more awakening.
The PTB are like the naked emporer now..they think they are covered but are naked to our all seeing eyes now :)
There is about 10 million to 10 billion years to get everyone woken. Some controversy there. So those who fail one incarnation can hit it in another..for a time.
Time runs out, the unforseen element is always just around the next millenium.:)
Thank you for this article, it was really helpful for me. Doing this work to awaken consciousness seriously and working to get real esoteric experience is very difficult with all of the forces we are up against internally and externally. With each article, you have been explaining more and more about these forces we are up against and that has been really helpful because it’s given me a new insight into these forces I am coming up against – mainly internally but externally as well. With each new bit of understanding, I can see these forces clearer, what’s happening, and it’s giving me more motivation and strength to do what I need to do internally and externally to face and overcome these forces. What you wrote about passivity in this article was especially helpful for me. Thanks again.
Thank you very much for these new articles, Belsebuub. They seem to help me seeing a clearer picture of what`s really going on the world and what can be done to develop spiritually and help others during these times. I find your shared insight and esoteric experience very valuable.
Very strong and inspired article!
How many traps and difficulties for everyone there are internally and externally!
How we reached in so low level as humanity?
It’s unbelievable what man is doing to his brothers and to enviroment!
Thank you for this article
It’s clear from this article for the need to overcome passivity and opposition, and become able to effectively experience higher knowledge in life and out of the body. With the knowledge that I do already have, I know there are difficulties to overcome, but it is always rewarding.
Thanks for this excellent article. I hope I can turn this motivation into real experiences.
That is the article that I needed. Your article give motivation and a boost to go forward with a detailed manner.
Time to see the reality and take decisions for changing the life.
It is what I need for the new coming year
Many thanks
That was very motivating and insightful. Belsebuub, you have a real gift of communicating the un-communicable. One can only hope that like you say, interested people can truly take up this work seriously and succeed. Thank you; keep ’em coming :-)
Very much agree Jordan. Belsebuub has an uncanny ability to communicate this information which to some is controversial.
I’m very grateful to him for writing this, I feel inspired to change and help others to also.
I felt a really deep sense both of sadness and inspiration reading this.
Sadness for a humanity trapped by its worst elements, both within each person and within the structures of the society that governs it.
Inspiration that there is a possibility to know something more than a passive, sheep-like existence.
Looking at all these rituals and symbols that pervade the highest echelons of power, it really is mind-boggling and frightening to realize the existence of evil and how it governs the society we inhabit.
It is easy to shrug these things off as conspiracy theories — and it seems like that’s how the powerful keep their machinations hidden in plain sight and marginalize those who would speak out. I’ve found myself to be guilty of this in the past, since it can all seem far-fetched.
And yet looking at the state of the world and the obvious collusion of the media, entertainment industry, and political forces to exploit the masses for the interests of the rich and powerful, I’ve become open to many possibilities that once seemed absurd.
Thank you very much for making this available. May it inspire us all to gain the knowledge of light.
I cannot but help to agree Justin.
Thank you, as always, Belsebuub.
Thank you very much for this, it is exactly what I needed at this time.
Cool. Thanks for an added dimension to the journey. I remember when the topic of meditation was an invitation to ridicule or condemnation from some believers in religions. Invariably, ironically, these judges where the most in need of awakening.:)
Now it is everywhere. Here, there, everywhere. Some poorly done. Some done very well. All have at leqast a part of the picture. Lately i notice an upsurge of sites and books appproaching the whole dimension of spiritual awakening.
That’s very reasuring to an ancient fellow who once felt the deepest, most hopeless certainty that there could never be an awakening. So I set out myself to waken the world. Noble effort yes, how ever, the education, experience I gained on that side path was well worth the effort.
Now when I get that directionless empty sadness at running out of material to study, the little giggle of happiness follows quickly and a voice inside says, oh, no, sorry Will, MORE COMING :)
This is just more of the MORE.:)
Experiences of metaphysical nature happen more frequently lately. Nothing earth shaking but no less exciting and enjoyable. Reality shifting experiences. Some where quite physically painful..others were gut wrenchingly painfull emotionally. Some were raging. Some where as simple as getting a joke I heard 50 years ago now, 30 years ago then, and getting it :) Laughter. I never laughed. :) Now I laugh every day, often at myself.
Very exciting times and learnings.
Kundalini meditation via Gopi Krishna, wow, to gnosis, anamnesia I think, remembering where I came from, and who I really am. Most remarkable I’m doing it in one incarnation. But, that was what my mentor told me before I was born. That I had a mission. That I could live the horror he showed me that would be my life. No way I said. NO way I can survive that ! Guess I was wrong Michael. I did.:)
Well, I followed promptings to go places and do things without realising that was happening. Synchronistic happening.
You know, I think some of us are going to make it home again. Sites like this and ever more of them pretty much guaranteee it now. SO, no worries. Enjoy the walk. Ignore the worldy aspects of things, realise that outside of spiritual awakening nothing really matters here. Personally, I don’t differentiate between evil and madness, :) A cracked shell usually results in a rotten egg.:) Pun intended.:)
It’s true too that in order to get anything out of our self, we must put something into it, and conversely, in order to put something into our self worth while, we must empty a whole lot of crap out first :) Crap that distorts, distracts, deludes, misinforms, colors, covers, confuses and challenges our ability to think critically and spiritually, rationally or logically. Experiencing our reality as it is, not as it is portrayed cradle to grave as being among the main stream clones of a ready made multi generational mad world.
I can say now without doubt, there is so much more to this world and existence than we are trained to be unable to see or hear, for fear of mental health warrants and psychiatrists :) Now we know who is nuts and who isn’t.:)
We know now how to heal the madness:) The mad must reac that bare patch of ground and find themselves sitting there windering what hit them in order to get better. Spiritually malnourished. Fill that need and watch the changes. I have seen so many miracles I once was certain were impossible and lunacy.
One must die that the other may live…be reborn, not physical death, but consciousness death..perceptions of I. Ego, the idiot within, must die. That tyrant. That liar. That selfish, greedy, arrogant , homocidal maniac who dwells in the forefront of our consciousness, choking out the soft voice of spirit whispering us, trying to get our attention, while ego screams around chasing butterflies of artificialities.
Reality is more excit5ing than vodeo games or porn, booze or drugs or wealth pursuits. In fact at times It became over bearingly difficult to maintain a clear view, a knowing, a reality where magic dwells..and it is all right inside every one of us..waiting, hopeful and eventually muted and soon to die as well.
Keep it alive, that you that is divine and magical. Don’t stop looking within and aound you for the tell tale glimmerings of a glitch in the constructed paradign we inhabit. Normal is a bad word :)
We are surrounded by spirits who love us and help us, just for the asking and immediately. Rather, trusting perhaps, I seldom ask for anything.:) Yes more coming.:)
So much paradox.
Today I read your posting dated in year 2012
About esotetic knowledge, dimensions, spiritual awakening.
And secret societes. I had this feeling of ” validation” on what I have
Been feeling for a long time but the kind of information must
People don’t know and if someone knows it ; they won’t tell you.
I would like to continue in touch with you and your postings.
Yamile ojeda