Our eBooks have been downloaded over 70,000 times and our site has had over a million hits.

We’ve turned down a number of publishers because we want our work to remain free of charge. In doing that, we and our non-profit publisher could have given up at least $365,000 over these last 3 years, which is what we would have made if we’d charged for our eBooks at going rates on Amazon.com– and that’s not taking into account the huge advertising budgets large publishers with their access to the mainstream media offer.

But have you ever stopped to ask yourself, is it right to charge money for spiritual information? After all, spiritual knowledge and understanding flows freely from the universe to us, so why should we then sell it on at a profit?

We believe spirituality is not something you can price tag, and that it should be passed onto others just as freely as it’s received. To charge money is to block the free flow of spirituality, much like someone at a cosmic stream who diverts the flow of water, only to sell it to those suffering the thirst for change, knowledge, and inner awakening downstream.