Are dreams random chaotic images, or do they reflect a deeper portion of our psyche? Belsebuub and Dr James Kaikobad clinical psychologist, discuss the nature of dreaming with ‘Tropical Currents’ host Joseph Cooper.
Radio WLRN, Miami, South Florida, USA
Yes I found it very interesting the way the two interviewees interacted. And also my response to them.
A timely posting! A gentle reminder that my/our psyche is closely related to my/our dreams and that my/our inner states continue to dominate my/our consciousness even while my/our body rests.
I too have benefited from understanding how my dreams reveal information about my psyche and that I can do something with it and about it. I have also benefited from knowing why I have moments of lucidity and how to work towards more conscious moments while by body rests. I have come to understand with more clarity why dreams occur, where they occur, what their significance is, what I can learn from them, etc. I have also come to bridge the gap between my understanding of astral projection and inter-dimensional existence, something that has plagued me since childhood. It was Belsebuub’s 9 week course on ‘Astral Travel and Dream’s that bridged the gap!
Being a ‘frequent flyer’ (ie frequent recall of astral experiences), remembering the paralysis feeling that would come over my physical body just before leaving it, coming back into my body and being trapped between two worlds, etc continues to this date, but I now have a firmer understanding and knowledge about why it is happening, what is going on, what I can do with this and where I can keep going – there is an esoteric need to look into dreams, to understand their purpose and value beyond time, the physical and my/our psyche.
Thank you Belsebuub!
Having had some very clear dream premonitions, and having studied so many accounts of very clear ones from others, it’s definitely pretty underwhelming to reduce dreams to just “the mind working things out”. I found the theory of interconnectedness the psychologist in the interview proposed quite interesting — there’s definitely something to it, but it doesn’t quite go all the way to explain why a dream premonition of a future event can occur (being “connected to others” doesn’t explain a foretelling of the future)… as those types of dreams imply a future course that is set / pre-determined that we can be exposed to in our dreams, which then sets off a whole different area of debate / investigation (is there such a thing as destiny, and so on..), so it seemed a very incomplete way to address the subject.
The guy who emailed in the question about speaking in another language reminded me of something from my childhood. When I was young I used to sleep talk and sleep walk a fair bit. My mom worked full time and studied through the night so she would be up very late at night to witness my sleeping activities and took a lot of interest in them and wrote down the things I would say in my sleep on a note pad or sticky notes so that we could laugh about them or discuss in the morning. For a period of time a large part of the records was me speaking in another language. She couldn’t understand a thing, but wrote down whatever she heard. She noted that though she couldn’t identify the language, it seemed to be a consistent one across many dreams over the span of about a year, with a full language structure (i.e. not just a incoherent word here and there, but audible dialogue). When awake, she would show me what she noted down and ask me about it and I couldn’t understand a thing of it! She did not keep those notes when we moved countries so I don’t have access to them at this point to try to better understand what that was all about, but really wish I did — would have been an interesting thing to explore :)
That’s very interesting Jenny about sleep-talking in another language! It’s a pity you don’t have the notes anymore. Nowadays with Google translate being able to detect a language without the user selecting one beforehand, it could have been fairly straightforward to paste the text in there and get an approximation of what you were talking about all those years ago! :)
Yes, definitely a pity. But back then the internet was pretty well a non-existent entity — who knew tools like Google translate would be available one day…
That’s very interesting for sure :-), it would indeed be nice if you could find more specifics to unravel that episode for yourself. Such cases are not so easily explained by conventional viewpoints ….
Perhaps slightly similarly (but different imo) is that sometimes I find myself speaking very fluent French in my dreams, even though in real life it is very basic (and it certainly doesn’t ‘flow’ :-)) In the dream I’m always certain it’s genuine and correct what I’m saying, but when I wake up I begin to doubt whether it actually was and often I can’t remember the exact specifics in question anymore beyond some words that I know are correct.
Language in the astral is pretty interesting anyway. How is it possible that one seems to be able to communicate with others that speak in different languages? Higher beings must have some gift of languages, but maybe in that higher dimension it is also more the meaning ‘behind’ the words that is communicated with between people and intuition and telepathy are naturally more active.
Interesting you mention it, Blake, because if I dream in another language I’m always a lot more fluent in it than I am in real life!
I always thought that the communication though is more about the meaning behind, like you said, and also the emotion behind things. I find when I have more “active” / “close to sleep talking dreams” I say things that make a lot of sense in the dream but if I wake up in that moment what I was actually saying makes no logical sense, yet if I had allowed the dream to carry on the lack of logic would not have interfered with the flow of it because what was being communicated was understood anyhow…
Thanks for sharing Jenny, what a pity your mother went to all that trouble of writing your dream talk down and then didn’t keep those notes! I find people talking from dreams quite interesting. :-) Used to reply to my brother when he was dream-talking during childhood, and it always took him a while to realise that somebody was teasing him and then got really angry! :-D
On a serious note though, it would have been interesting to find out what period the language you spoke from your dreams was, as that would have indicated the period in which you “lived”, maybe in your previous life, or maybe just a more memorable one? Its a real pity we are so asleep… so much knowledge waiting out there for us to explore and we just can’t even lift ourselves from the ground (at least talking about myself here). Good luck with remembering your dreams now!
I know, right? We know so little about ourselves in that sense… It reminds me also of those cases where people have trauma of some kind and wake up speaking in another language or develop an unfamiliar accent, while forgetting their native tongue completely in return, and so on. Or all those children that remember their past lives… — our only visible glimpses into a richer past, and these little things are so hard to understand when you just look at life from a very physical / this life in isolation.
Jenny, it would be interesting if you got all these records of your mum that wrote down from you. I can’t imagine, what you could reveal if you got them.
Generally, in my view, there is a big contradiction in the starting point of theory and practice of contemporary psychology.
Psychology is a Greek word (probably ancient) and it means (Logy=Logos=Speech) for (Psycho=Soul) but …
Before some years, I studied a lesson about psychology in university. One of the questions we posed as students to the professor was if he believes in the existence of the soul. I think in the beginning he didn’t realize or he didn’t want to realize that we asked him seriously. Somehow we repeated the question and when he couldn’t avoid to give us an answer he answered with emphasis something like that. “Don’t become crazy” (in believing of the existence of the soul).
I think with one or other way all the scientists (and generally all kinds of scientists, probably except the theologists) believe, as scientists, not as human beings, that there isn’t the soul.
So, the contradiction is that the scientists of psychology deal with a kind of science where the object of science (soul) doesn’t exist.
Imagine the contradiction, if the theologists wouldn’t believe in the existence of God. (“Theology” is also a Greek word. “Theos” means God)
Sorry, this was not my favourite interview. But thank you for posting it – it has been great for reflection.
It is clear that Mark’s expertise is based on a deep understanding gained through personal experience, as opposed to the other “expert” who has studied the work of someone whose theories have, in fact, largely been discredited.
As a practising psychologist myself I find it difficult to imagine that anyone in my field (I personally know no-one) still follows the teachings of Freud. Thankfully, psychology has advanced so much since the 1930s. Still we are not able to interpret others’ dreams. Just as we cannot prove that someone has had a NDE or astral projected.
I disagree with the Dr’s statement that everyone needs an analyst to interpret their dreams. I have learned through personal experience that I am the only one who can interpret my dreams. Others would only add their own personal bias and perhaps distract me from what it is that I need to see or understand.
Having completed all of Mark’s courses myself, I have learned to understand myself and my dreams far better, and, when you experience being out of the body or awake in a dream you just know – it is not really something that you can ‘prove’ to anyone else.
I was surprised that the interviewer asked whether anyone would want to study a course for nine weeks to study dreams. Well, I am eternally grateful that I did, and the numbers who have attended Mark’s courses are a testament to just how many people are, in fact, interested.
I hope we can continue to get this information out to those who are interested.
Thanks Sue that’s very interesting information about Freud and I’m glad that you’ve cleared that up. Unfortunately as soon as someone as a title, such as, “Doctor”, people will believe what their saying.
Excellent radio interview where dreams are being viewed from two different angles. The clinical psychologist explains them based on his understanding and the Freudian theory. Mark from a mystical perspective where the dreamer can understand his dreams better using OBEs and self-knowledge from daily life.
Personally I’ve used both. In the beginning the theoretical ones as I found several dream guides in my local library. Later on I found Marks book and used the techniques he gives in A course in Astral Dreams. I stuck with the latter as they help me to get a better understanding of my dreams. It’s amazing to wake up, try to remember the dreams in the early hours of the morning and use intuition and prayer to find their meaning.
I think Mark really covered this topic well it seems his theory really makes sense particularly the point were he talks about personally looking into our dreams and understanding them from our own experience were Dr Kaikobad really just quoted information that he studied from Freud which for me can sometimes be confusing, either way a very interesting interview thanks
Dreams seem to reflect so well the current state of our psyche: meaningful, meaningless – or usually – somewhere in the between.
I really enjoyed listening to this talk, very nice to hear a calm and an intelligent way of Mark responding to a psychologist, who also seemed to be quite knowledgeable and skillful, but in his own way.
Thank you so much for posting it!
It would be amazing for this information to reach others who are searching for the meaning of life. Unfortunately I have to agree that today’s science is so far behind and can not explain dreams, yet I understand that true knowledge from dreams is an individual journey which can only be verified by oneself.
Thankfully I’ve used the guidance of Belsebuub not only to verify out of body experience and premonitions in dreams, but most of all I uncovered that his teachings are a map to guide us back to our Divine parents, and our parents are there to teach us in the day and at night when we dream.
Another great talk, thanks for putting it up.
Always good to hear this topic discussed, this time in Miami, Florida?
For me personally the ‘dynamic’ of the interview itself was most educational. I seem to have this tendency, in real life as well, to want to have everyone get along and such. What can be behind it though is a fear of someone else’s negativity possibly being directed towards me, anticipating they’ve got a different opinion on something. But to let that deter me from stating what I know to be right, or bending it too much can be undermining the truth.
It’s funny how with some people, at work for example, I can disagree with someone on something and yet it’s completely 100% fine. Basically there’s no negativity. Yet with others I find I’m careful to say even a small thing as it can set off this ‘suspicion’ with a really heavy negativity behind it. I find it good not to spark that off unnecessarily, but when needed will have to act even if someone might turn negative.
I can understand what you’re saying Blake and yet it’s such a reality that we all must face. I remember also wanting everyone to get along, even at school I would always try to be the peace maker, yet in reality egos always managed to knock me out. Although, today at times I have new understandings, I find that when I’m connected with my Divine Mother I still have this true yearning of hope which lays deep within me to help others, only in those true moments are they real and not driven by those monstrous egos which have no place in our temples.