A talk on self-knowledge, looking at how the egos and the subconscious work and how consciousness when freed from the egos, can be clear and aware in the present moment.
By Admin|2019-12-22T09:47:44+00:00June 28th, 2016|consciousness and personal development, video|23 Comments
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I always come back to this talk as it seems to ground me in the basic concepts or should I say starting blocks to the process of being aware in daily life.
Thank you very much
Hmm, patterns, habits, addictions…they are a driving force in my daily life. They present themselves as being trivial or insignificant and even innocent, yet in reality they have such a stronghold and such a blinding effect/influence in my daily life. Thank you for reminding me of this Belsebuub using this video…
This talk has helped bring to my attention a particular habitual behavior that seems like such a small and insignificant thing, it has been so easy in allowing it to continue. As I watched this talk yesterday, the excuses and justification for allowing it where highlighted. Today my attempts to stop the behavior and to see the compelling underlying driving forces for it, have proven that this habit is not such a small thing after all. Thank you Belsebuub for posting.
Hi Penny — I appreciated reading your comment, as I’ve been going through something similar recently with a habitual behavior of my own. It’s shocking how a behavior can seem small or unimportant until we try to fight against it. Then we find out how strong it really is. I’m feeling grateful that I’ve been able to see this issue I’m facing more clearly, along with my attempts to justify it, because at least now I know it’s there. But it is quite humbling to be faced with all the underlying forces driving my actions, realizing there are certainly many more I don’t yet see. I wish you success with your efforts!
Thanks Belsebuub – so many different aspects packed into one brief talk. It was interesting to hear the part about addictions, including the addiction to certain ways of being. Sadly we are all too often caught up in the egos and intellect that it’s hard to break free and find any sense of peace. It must be extraordinary to truly live in peace – what a wonderful state for us to aim for.
Glad I came across this talk today. Sometimes it’s very difficult to separate and see the subconscious since they drive us to do this and that all the time. Like today, I went to the store to get this one thing, but as I walked in the store, I was fascinated with other things and wanted to buy this and that. My mind was conversing back and forth whether to buy this and that. Then I realized it was the egos’ desires .. so I put down the things didn’t need and left quickly. So much time was wasted at the store. This talk reminded me that it is so important to be aware of each moment, especially the mind as a thought would come up first, then action follows. Really need to observe more often.
hi i have been listening to belsebuubs talks for a while now and just wanted to say that all of his talks are really inspiring and have really helped me to practically use the techniques given to start to make a change in my life. I am very grateful to have came across these teaching as they have made such an impact already. My uncle had introduced me to the gnostic teachings when i was younger and the change i seen in his life was an inspiration to look into them for myself.
This talk in particular has really inspired me the most as it verifies things that i have experienced and that gives strength to work a lot harder to really find true happiness that belsebuub talks about. In the times when i have been observing my thoughts and emotions, the short moments of peace that i experienced has given me hope that we don’t need to keep suffering as a humanity, and that the possibility for change is achievable.
Thank you belsebuub
Hello Chris,
Welcome to the Belsebuub site, it’s nice to read your understanding of the teachings and I hope that you’ll find your way forward to true peace and happiness in your life.
Best wishers.
So many times listening to this video I felt within me something wanting to exclaim, “Yes!”, For such a simple appearing talk, Belsebuub manages to strike very deeply into the heart of things that really matter. There is so much in this video that is worthy of reflection, that is it impossible to condense into an “executive overview” (which is precisely what the multitudes who spend time being bombarded with information want). I suppose the most appropriate bit of information to share about this talk is:
“It actually works, you just have to try it.
It’s not really known about because so few people try it.
But it does work…”
I once shared the ‘first key’ with a person that I had only briefly met (I have not done such a thing since), because they seemed to be genuinely looking (and quoting phrases that seemed to be very similar as if they’d read gnostic texts extensively). The next morning, they came back to me utterly amazed with an ‘eyes wide’ expression on their face! It was refreshing to see the amazement in their expression because it reflects the way I have felt since coming across this information of Belsebuub’s (as part of TGM). It really does work, and people really do need to try it!
Of course, I made sure he knew the source of the information, which was here, at belsebuub.com.
As always, many thanks for this information and this website and the efforts that are going into the releasing of videos.
What a wonderful talk by Belsebuub. It is very inspiring to hear how much potential we all have and the wonderful things we can achieve compared to living an ordinary life.
Another part that struck me was the many addictions we have in life, not just those related to drugs or food but also our behavioral patterns. It can be difficult to give certain ways of acting up, especially if I don’t understand them properly. Because of this I see my attention and time go into activities that are not helping me and time just passed by. For that reason I found the breakdown of the process of getting rid of these patterns a great help. Thanks for the great video!
I can relate to those behavioral patterns you write about Roy.
There are some that are related to human relationships, for example. Watching them repeating so many times, I found it difficult to step inside and change them, respond with a way that will break this pattern going. This is may be due to the fact that I don’t have the whole picture of this pattern yet and it might starts before I realize it started, and I am already trapped in it.
There are also some patterns though that are related to my daily life routine. There must be something going on there as well, but I feel that in some way the human structure functions through patterns in order to be safe and well organized. But maybe we don’t need them either and we can uncover them as well like the first ones.
Thank you for sharing this talk! No matter when it was captured it still sounds fresh and helpful to me.
Thank you everyone for your comments as well!
“This may be due to the fact that I don’t have the whole picture of this pattern yet and it might start before I realize it started, and I am already trapped in it.” Well put, Fotis. I feel the same. Seems like the mission is to try harder and harder until these traps are “seen” and observed properly so that we can try to break them or recognize the pattern before it sweeps us away again. Ha, much easier said than done.
Hi. I have been having a terrible time lately with egos. Hearing advice such as this does seem to give me some strength to stand up to these egos. Thank you for posting.
This talk makes me long for beauty. More beauty. And to walk with the divine all the time. It makes me feel that I truly can be free of my worries and fears. Thanks so much.
Amazing video!
Thanks so much for sharing.
I feel like this is exactly what I was meant to hear today — thank you so much for posting. Over the past week or two, I feel I’ve been getting eaten alive by egos in the morning. I wake up feeling like I’m tired out by negative thoughts before I even get out of bed. I’m not sure why this pattern is happening right now, but I’ve been struggling to fight against it. Listening to this talk, I was reminded of how inspired I am by these teachings, and that while I will always have things arise to bother me (in the morning or whenever), with awareness and other practices there is a very real opportunity to eliminate that negativity. I can choose to have egos and suffer from them, or have egos and find strength in fighting them. Those little sparks of awareness and peace that we feel from time to time, they are indeed small moments, but they are a signal of what we can experience in a larger way if we keep pushing — if we stay on course. Thank you again.
There’s so much to unravel. Ingrained behavioural patterns of interaction can be so strong that they can just swallow us up. Interactions with the people we grew up with for example can still have us behave like we did with them now. Where to even start with something like that? :S Running away from situations doesn’t mean those things don’t exist inside us anymore.
I would say: study, study, study. First just seeing the ‘edges’, in a retrospective exercise for example, being honest with ourself, seeing new things, then seeing more and more, even observing thoughts about situations when we’re not in them at the time can help a lot, studying our dreams on it, until hopefully the total picture of how the drives work together and why we behave like that becomes clear.
I can see why this freedom would be very liberating… and also how it can be a valuable thing for others, so we are able to transfer the goodwill inside us to others and not have it be obstructed and discoloured by other drives.
Yesterday I had an experience where I was able to catch myself in the act of reacting to a situation that brought out a specific ego state I was unaware of as it was occurring. Just as discussed in the talk, the question about who was it asking me about why I was reacting/feeling that particular way had entered my mind and it made me observe myself at that moment – it was a real eye-opener experience for me. Thanks for explaining who we really are so profoundly in this talk.
It was a big boost to watch your video Belsebuub, thanks for that.
I hope that many of us can follow your footsteps and find some real happiness in our lives. And hopefully one day soon we are able to make a difference in our world.
That was a very interesting talk. I found it striking that so much of our behaviour is governed by addictions: hearing this mentioned towards the beginning really resonated with what I’ve been seeing more of in daily life. There are so many small addictions: wanting to get a coffee or a snack at a given time, doing something in anticipation of a desired event like a conversation or receiving an email, etc. it’s a very mechanical way of living.
And it’s always great to hear about how that small bit of consciousness can grow and how our capacity for self-observation will not only just get better by practice, but also be enhanced with greater consciousness.
Thanks for the video!
Good points Mike; same things jumped out at me when I was watching this video.
Wow what a powerful and insightful talk. Felt like a wind of fresh air, really… Dear Mark and Lara, thank you so much for providing us with this knowledge! This is such a difficult challenge, to actually do the Work, but only the Work seems to make this life truly meaningful and worth of living.
Really, really good talk – I appreciate how Belsebuub just explains how the egos work – I can really see that in myself, how egos can take over, and I’m being driven by them, then thinking /acting in a certain way and then wondered later on – what the heck happened? I did not want to do this / say / think / feel that – yet here I just did.. It’s this constant pull of desires / drives by the subconscious which are draining, both mentally and physically – yet when using awareness and self-observation, everything has a different feel / and flavour, then using the inner mystical death to reduce the egos has a chance to work. I also appreciate how Belsebuub talks about getting to that little tid bit of “peace” through awareness – even when the egos come, it is a different feel to be able to see them for what they are and being able to stop the egos draining of energies, now that is worth fighting for, and it’s in seeing this little difference in overall feeling that helps to continue, bit by bit like Belsebuub talks about. It gives this nudge and direction toward consciousness – Thank you Belsebuub, this is a really helpful talk (yet again!)