Just be, and be part of a constant evolutionary you, everything is as it should be. Do you really believe it? If you do, think again, there’s a lot more going on inside you than you realize, and its not all good.
Read the article in the Esoteric Wisdom section on the articles page, its from a talk in Oregon in 2009. It looks at the influences of forces of darkness upon the human psyche.
I remember this talk from attending the rereat – and though it is a talk on the harsh reality of life, the work, and what we have within, it also gave me a lot of hope.
Especially this part:
[quote][i]”There is enough light to begin with to be able to work toward breaking the darkness within, and overcoming it. And as light, consciousness, is increased, it joins with more light, and then the light saves and raises a person up. No one is alone who attempts this—if they were alone there’d be absolutely no way to get out of the basic human condition. Having fulfilled specific conditions, divinity raises up those who put the spiritual work in, and are able to give up the pleasures of the egos.”[/i][/quote]
To remember that our purpose is to awaken, and to remember that help is there for us to do this work when difficult times arise such as when we face a pretty dark side of ourselves, but there is help for us to do that.
This article has so much guidance, and is really powerful in so mnay ways. It talks about the true connection with the Divine, about how seeing reality is done through humility, how we must be prepared to really see ourselves, and not leave in an illusion of what we are.
This is a really profound article, as it deals with so many aspects of the spiritual path – I am very thankful to see it here available.
A lot to reflect, a lot of hope and guidance given there, yet it’s not done in flowery words, but Belsebuub gives a clear picture of the reality we live in, harsh and dark, yet the light is there.