Dreams, what they mean & where they come from. Including dream symbology, dream diary, lucid dreaming, bad dreams, falling into your body, subconscious dreaming, sleep paralysis and premonitions.
Belsebuub on BBC Radio Jersey.
Dreams, what they mean & where they come from. Including dream symbology, dream diary, lucid dreaming, bad dreams, falling into your body, subconscious dreaming, sleep paralysis and premonitions.
Belsebuub on BBC Radio Jersey.
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Wow …. I am proud of ALL of you in regards to Marks – The Meaning of Dreams – a Talk on BBC Radio Jersey.
Recent behaviour indicates that when Mark or Lara post Comments, the main reply is appraising Lara or Mark. By that I mean people write
“good work Lara/Mark, OR, thanks Mark/Lara …. words to that effect. There is nothing wrong with this but NO ONE learns.
Personally, I enjoy reading Comments from Lucia, Vadim, Blake, Geraldine, David K, Christos and a host of others. I sincerely hope I have NOT embarrassed anyone.
Golden Hummingbird – THANK YOU for your observation and question. I replied to your Comment and others joined in. For example, Blake’s reply on the 1st may at 10:23 pm is really good. Why – there is a wealth of knowledge in his reply.
PERSONAL OBSERVATION – As this is not a request I would, where possible, like to see k people should give a succinct example of what they are talking about OR provide a tangible example in their reply. this does NOT MEAN that we all give an example every time we respond or ask a question. I am aware that my replies can be overly long and I am working on that.
Once again, Thank You Golden Hummingbird as when you responded to my second reply, we received 5 high quality Comments from various people.
Thank you to all who responded to this and other topics and I look forward to many more of your replies.
Great talk. It’s good to see so many elements pulled together in such a short talk and I love the very respectful way Belsebuub responds to questions.
Very inspiring as usual.
What about dreams which seem too angelic? Most of my dreams are about flying, fighting demons with sword, changing ferocious attacking animals into tail wagging and licking pets just with a deep look into their eyes, changing their colour from black/brown to white, healing sick animals, being calm in the midst of blaming people, singing opera style about Christ (although I am not from a Christian background) or singing to the Sun who sings back to me……..whereas in reality I react fast or keep grudges, go into self pity, am not very loving, am not joyful, am miser, greedy and so on. For example I am a bit gluttonous thinking all the time about what to cook, not what to eat though and in dream I had this big feast in front of me and I felt gluttony and immediately realised it is a trap, a dream and wiped my hand over the food and it vanished.
My question is why are my dreams so nice when I am not so nice? I was told by someone that they show how you should be. Is that true?
Those are some nice-sounding dreams! Maybe they are trying to show you the potentail you have if you take up the spiritual work properly. Belsebuub describes in his books and articles how to do this, the beginning is to start with awareness and self-observation during daily life: https://belsebuub.com/articles/inner-peace-and-the-awareness-of-the-present-moment Hope you are writing those dreams down! :-)
Thanks for the reply Lucia. I am on the gnostic path since few years and since the first day I am getting such dreams, never before starting the path did I have such dreams. I have no idea how to meditate on a dream, I find it totally clueless how to go about it. I do write my dreams down. Very few times I can tell their meaning from intuition but most of the times I cannot understand them. You say they may be trying to show you my potential, which I can understand from the above mentioned dreams. But what about dreaming of swimming in turbulent ocean happily guided by sharks when in physical I am afraid of swimming, putting my head under water even!
Hi Golden Hummingbird,
Meditating on a dream is similar to any other meditation in that it requires a quiet mind and then focusing on the dream you wish to understand in a very relaxed, half-asleep state. Its best done immediately after you had a dream, as at that time you still have the “feeling” of the dream alive, and can easily recall it, and you are also well relaxed and a bit sleepy. So what you do is to relax yourself well, make sure your mind is quiet and not preoccupied with different things (if it is not, then use any technique you know for quietening the mind that works for you), and then recall the image/symbol/dream scene that you wish to get more information about. Start focusing on it, visualising how it was, adding more details as you recall them, the feeling of a dream, atmosphere, etc… All this should not be too intellectual, but more intuitive. If done well, you should start really feeling the atmosphere of a dream again, and its details will arise naturally. In the same time, keep your relaxed and sleepy state, going deeper to it (like when you are falling asleep). But your mind needs to stay focused on the dream and keep diving more into its atmosphere. This split is actually most important – the mind focused on the dream, but the body falling deeper and deeper into the sleep state. Similar to the astral projection techniques.
That is also why if you do this well, you can become lucid and find yourself aware in that exact dream that you were trying to understand. Then you can be in it again and hopefully understand more about it, or ask your Divine Mother right there for help. (It is also good to pray to your Divine Mother before the exercise, so she can guide it and help you, or even during the exercise if you get stuck with it). But even if you don’t find yourself lucid or in the same dream again and just fall asleep unconsciously while doing the practice, you can still get insights in your dreams about what you are trying to understand thanks to the Divine help.
This is a shortened version of the meditation on a dream or an issue that I usually do if I want to understand something. Basically lots of asking and focusing on the thing you are trying to understand combined with a deep relaxation/sleep.
Hope it helps in some way, let us know how you went! :-)
Thanks Lucia. That is very very helpful. That is what I was looking for when I said I cannot understand how to meditate. Can you also tell me some techniques to quieten the mind if I am to do this exercise during times other than waking up? I just cannot seem to quieten my mind with mantras or staring at a candle.
But I will do what you described this night and let you know. Thank you very much again.
Hey Golden Hummingbird,
Trying to be focussed on what you are doing during the day, and bringing your attention back to it if your mind starts wandering onto other things will help a lot with quieting your mind during practices. If you just do one thing at a time and focus on it you train yourself during the day, then when it comes time to sit down to do a practice you’ve already started training your mind to be quiet. I’ve found it useful as well to start with very short practices and then build up slowly over time as you get better at focussing rather than trying to do long practice right away.
All the best with it!
Hi Golden Hummingbird,
David gave some good advice, as it is during the day where our mind can be trained the best (by focusing on whatever it is we are doing, without daydreaming). In addition to that, we can use some sit-up or lie-down techniques for quietening the mind too. From these, my favourite is the technique called Duality. I learned it on Belsebuub’s online courses some years ago and I like it because of its simplicity and straight-forwardness.
What you do is lie down (or sit up), relax your body well, pray for help, and then start observing your mind/thoughts. Each time you see a thought arising, apply an opposite to it. For example a thought comes “I need to do x, y..”, so you say “I don’t need to do it” then a thought comes “this technique does not work”, so you apply “this technique is great”, etc. Try to catch the thoughts in their very beginning, when they are just being formed in your mind, as at that time it is easy to smash them. Your “opposite” does not need to be very elaborate, just something that has somewhat opposite feeling to the forming thought. Sometimes, I just apply something like “not this”, and keep waiting for another one. If you keep persisting, you may find thoughts rapidly arising one after another, not even the whole thoughts, just some sort of “mental feelings” being formed before a thought is articulated mentally, so you just apply the opposite feeling to that forming feeling and keep watching. Keep doing that until the thoughts subside (the minds gets tired after some time). When you feel sufficiently peaceful inside, you can start meditating on your dream. It can also happen, that you fall asleep during doing the Duality practice, and have a mystical experience. In any case, the technique is very nice and can give you interesting insights into how thoughts arise.
Mantras can help a lot too (especially if you chant regularly), as they put your chakras into activity, and your overall state will be more peaceful and clear, hence more success with practices.
Wishing you all the best!
Thanks Lucia. I do IEAOU for an hour (with mind going all over) and whenever I do that I remember my dreams that night. I will try the duality practice today and let you know. I have not yet gotten back about the dream meditation because I do not remember any since that day. As soon as I do I shall write here.
Wow Golden Hummingbird,
Enjoy what you have .. I am pleases for you.
I see way to many dreams with demons. Check out Mark’s former discussion where he has an encounter with the demon Ba’el. I write about my experience with the powerful demon Lilith in those comments.
You write ” why are my dreams nice when I am not so nice’? it could be a warning OR more importantly you will most likely develop through a positive experience as oppose to a negative one.
Again be careful l what you wish for. Mark taught me in class twenty years ago and I had a dream where I woke up on an altar of bloody sacrifice. I was the victim of the sacrifice. A nameless powerful male demon with malevolent, spiteful and cruel blazing red eyes was there wearing a red turban and wore black and red robes. This sinister demon plunged a knife into my heart and I felt that blade go into my heart inch by inch and it was painful. I privately spoke to Mark and he advised me that the Black Lodge was attacking me for attending gnostic classes and that they wanted to extinguish any virtue I had as well as stopping me from progressing. I had no idea who the The Black Lodge were at the and Mark not only explained it to me privately, but also mentioned them in the following class. Mark informed us in class that that the Black Lodge wore red and black.
As always Mark carefully explained to me that it was a particularly nasty experience – it was more than a dream as I had woken up in a sinister dimension – but I had to look at the positive and that was that I must have some positive virtues that the black Lodge wanted to steal. Mark advised me to be extremely careful and vigilant, which I was temporarily … and then I let my guard down.
Golden Hummingbird I would rather see angels any day – I have seen the archangel Michael a few times – as opposed to my demonic selves or worse that red-turbaned demon, Lilith and her male counterpart Asmo’deus.
Be grateful for what you receive …..
Thank you Frosted. I never wished for bad dream :). I wish I could understand how to meditate on them and understand the teaching behind them. I was bit surprised and disappointed to see so many videos here on bad dreams and I thought if what a person said once to me that these dreams tell how I should be, then is it not that EVERYBODY should be getting such dreams? Because everybody should be so, is it not?
Anyways your reply helps me to be grateful, careful and vigilant and work more.
Thank you.
Hey Golden Humminbird,
I can now see how people can misconceive Comments.
I did not wish a bad dream upon you, or myself. Remember, our Being usually through our intimate and personal Divine Mother wants us to learn.
we have to accept the good with the bad until we reach a stage where we remove enough of our ego’s and can avoid bad dreams.
You write ” I wish I could understand how to meditate on them and understand the teaching behind them.”
Firstly re-watch the interviews by Mark. You will find the answers there. Also read Comments by Blake and Vida as what they write is relevant to your question regarding the meaning. Write your dreams down when you wake up. This will assist you immensely.
Another suggestion – I hope I am not being rude when I say “stop wishing” and start doing. Remember the old adage ” …never wish your life away.” Wishing suggests that one fantasises and this whole site and Mark’s teachings are about the opposite, and that is, being wake every chance we get. All of us here are aiming for increasing our consciousness. Herein lies the answer to your question – you will understand the meaning behind your dreams by aiming to be awake, conscious, or in the moment every chance you have.
Lara writes “sometimes waiting makes things clearer’ and there lies another part of the answer to your question. Wait, watch and then meditate.
I like to finish of on a positive note/ Myself and many others have had positive dreams. My Divine Mother once appeared in a dream and she was made of light that would be too difficult to explain. My Divine Mother held me in her arms and took me towards heaven. Again, it would be too hard to describe what I felt, saw and experienced as words would only diminish the experience.
I hope you have pleasant dreams …..
Thanks Frosted. I have similar experiences with my Divine Mother and Father :-).
These interviews are great to remember to keep coming back to some essentials regarding astral and dream investigations.
What comes to the fore for me is the need to be able to concentrate in order to effectively recollect my dreams when waking up in the morning. Not moving physically, as is mentioned in the interview, is such a big thing. Often when I’ve not moved yet and start to bring back the memory of multiple dreams, a lack of staying focussed (getting caught in thoughts) can diffuse my ability to go over them in a timely manner and then the body starts getting agitated and wants to move etc. and I might lose the knowledge of precious and informative dreams.
Sometimes a very important dream with guidance you’re thirsty for just cannot be afforded to be let go, then just have to concentrate! :-)
In another interview the notion was mentioned that one dream can have about 7 meanings or ways to be interpreted. I hadn’t heard of that before, quite interesting. Intuition is definitely the key as is mentioned in this radio interview. As well, I think, is the acquired personal knowledge of the symbols we see, and a clear mind working with that initial intuition.
Let’s see what can be taken from tonight’s dream time!
Thank you for yet another interview. I have recently been looking into this connection between what we dream and what we have within ourselves. I can see that it’s very beneficial to be able to see what we are from another perspective. It helps to have the motivation to truly change who we are. However, what I find very difficult is to make a genuine connection between what is seen in dreams and how that relates to my behavior in daily life. I wonder if anyone has any insights into doing that. The best that I have been able to do was get occasional insights in a meditation that is essentially focused to calm my mind.
My other comment is about dream diaries. In the past I have also seen how beneficial they are for remembering dreams and even seeing them clearer. However, more recently I have been having quite strong resistance to write them down at all. Do other people have such a resistance, and if so how do you face it?
Hi Aleksandr, I have been feeling a lot of resistance to writing down dreams as well. Particularly if I have a bit of a “dry spell” where I don’t remember them, or they all start to seem too nonsensical and seemingly not really worth remembering. I woke up the other day and had remembered a little bit of my dreams, and I felt like I should write them down instead of being lazy or putting it off as usual. I felt a huge resistance creep in. I decided to go against it and grabbed my pen and made myself write down what I could remember. As I did this I began to remember more and more and other dreams came to me that I wouldn’t have otherwise remembered and they were really special to me and I was very glad to remember them. So in answer to your question, I suppose I only faced it by just picking up my pen and paper. :) It was really hard though, and it certainly felt like the pen weighed a thousand pounds and it took all my strength to lift it! It certainly helped me in the end though. :)
I’ve found the same as you Vida, that if I start writing down the little bits I recall, more memories flow through and I can start the work back to having a strong dialogue with ‘the other side’ during the night.
Hi Aleks, I find the same from time to time. I feel I’ve just passed the stage of feeling that resistance of writing down dreams you talk about. I was ill for a while and sleeping was a bit of an issue, so I did not remember many dreams from that period. What helped me to get back into it was to read back over my dreams of the last few months and to see what patterns are there and see if there are any changes in them. That helped a lot with wanting more meaningful dreams and seeing some of my obstacles. What also helped was to really enjoy the time before going to bed. I mean to make sure I take some time to prepare for going to bed and calm down a bit, especially if I’ve been on the computer till late. Taking that break helps to become in tune with the feeling of the night. I feel these two things contributed to being more focused when going to sleep and wanting to remember the dreams in the morning.
Hi Alexandr,
Usually I feel a strong resistance to write down my dreams when they don`t appear very meaningful and I am still tired…
Then I make a choice either to stay in my bed and do the mantra to remember my dreams (so I can remember more) or just force myself to sit up and write my dreams (so I don`t forget what I already remembered :) and reinforce my skill of remembering dreams)
For many years I’ve been using dreams and dream symbology and it’s been such a great help on my spiritual journey. Highly recommended.
Thanks Lara for sharing another great talk.
Thank you for posting it Lara! And thank you Belsebuub for sharing your insights and knowledge, you have made a good summary of so many things in that talk.
Looking with a lot of interest into my dreams…Deeply grateful for a lot of guidance coming through the fog of internal and external influences. Everything becomes more clear – looking forward to explore how to do my spiritual duty in this lifetime to the best of my human capacity.
Sometimes waiting makes things clearer.