Talks at the Greek retreat in 2005 and in Athens in 2006.
The merging of the Being with consciousness
Preparing for Esoteric Wisdom (the Clay Model)
The Process of Awakening Consciousness
Taking the First Steps towards the Path to Enlightenment

At the retreat in Greece 2005
Thank you Mark for posting these video and transcriptions. If i understand correctly, the transcriptions contain more -new- material than the videos?
Hey Chris,
I think the video ‘Merging of the…’ is transcribed in the first part of the transcription that goes by the same name. The rest of the material in the transcription is not covered in the videos listed.
The video ‘How to receive…’ is covered in at the start of the transcription ‘Preparing for Esoteric…’
The video ‘The Clay Model…’ is covered at the end of the transcription ‘Preparing for Esoteric…’
So yes there is more material in the transcriptions than is covered in the listed videos. The transcriptions also have some small changes and minor additions.
The two transcriptions from 2006 don’t seem to have videos versions. Well worth the read though :)
Thank you – I really enjoyed watching the Clay model video some years ago. You taught such a profound lesson with compassion and also humour. I look forward to reading the transcripts and as Jon says “at a pace that allows it to sink in”.
We are truly privileged to continue to receive precious teachings from a Living Master. I am grateful.
I honestly hope that more seekers have the opportunity to find this website.
Thanks for posting these Belsebuub! This is so exciting. Thank you for all of your inspiration and help. It means so much to us.
Great to read the transcriptions. I find it helps to give time to reflect on certain passages you may read. Will look forward to making my way through these at a pace which allows it to sink in.
Thanks for posting these talks altogether Mark. Having seen the videos before, this time I just read through the transcripts and found there are some extra bits here and there I don’t remember being in the videos.
In the article “The merging of the Being with consciousness”, it struck me about the power of the Christic force in that the ego comes to bite but instead it just dies in the presence of the resurrected Christ as if there is no effort to dying to the egos or just that the death technique is so well developed by that stage coupled with that powerful force. It must be such an amazing thing to have the Christ within.
Also regarding the point about teaching others helping to keep ones attention on the esoteric work, since there are no authorised groups running any courses based on your work, I find checking in on this site each day and interacting is the next best thing. So I’m very grateful for it being here and the work that goes into it.
In “Preparing for Esoteric Wisdom (The Clay Model)”, it was helpful to note what you said about fanatics and what you added in at the end regarding negative entities. I hope the ones behind much of this planet’s woes can be defeated in their destructive and totalitarian plans before it goes too far.
“The Process of Awakening Consciousness” article I find is such a great overview so that anyone can understand what the Path is. A very good one for any newcomers to read and a good one too for those already familiar to be reminded!
In “Taking the First Steps towards the Path to Enlightenment” I find the last paragraph very encouraging, to just keep on going when the going gets tough. Its like the churning of the milky ocean story, you got to keep going and get past the initial poison that gets stirred up in order to reach the nectar and hidden treasure.
Brilliant talks with so much wisdom, thanks Mark for your continuous efforts to help us find our way.
Thanks for putting together and highlighting these talks from Greece.
I was just reading the transcription of the talkTaking the first steps towards the path to enlightenment And I found it a very encouraging read.
The point Jordan highlighted is also something I’ve come to face more and more. Hopefully over time I’ll move away further from that mindset of ‘The real work, the Mastery, the sufferings etc. will take place somewhere in the future and I have to get ‘there’ and that’s not happening yet now because circumstance ‘A’ and circumstance ‘B etc.’
I think the time to awaken is right now and has always been right now. And how much more beautiful if things are happening, even if they’re not as grand as that image we first had, but beautiful because they’re real.
Another thing that I also found very relevant is about the Being pushing and giving its influence to the person, but that’s it’s up to the person to choose to go with that. To be active spiritually and cultivate that side so it can grow. Or to ignore it (yet again) and spend our energy on pursuing ego fulfilment of one kind or the other. Both ways have their own destination.
This choice is kind of a daunting responsibility. (in merely my interpretation) It reminds me of what Judas mentions in the Flight of the Feathered Serpent:
“Once more, a light enveloped us, and in it I came to know the terrible hidden mystery in the words so often said by my Rabbi, “The Father judges no one, but gave all judgment to the Son.”
I trembled with terror.
For man knows this even in his ignorance, and for that reason our Rabbi Jesus has descended to us to show us the way, the truth, and the life.”
Lovely image at the head of that article btw :)
Thank you Mark deeply for these wonderful and very strong videos!
They reach so deeply in me. Your talk in the Greek TV was also so interested, I hadn’t know about it and was surprised to see it.
Thank you deeply for this valuable help.
Thanks Mark, fantastic talks.
Thank you so much, Belsebuub! Your talks for my spirit are like inhales of pure fresh air for my body :) The vision which you share with us, is certainly very challenging, but also very interesting, deeply inspiring…There is always a strong pull of the egos, so it is great to also feel a strong pull of the spiritual.
Thanks Mark – lots of good stuff in these transcriptions and videos.
One thing that jumped out at me reading through again now is this:
“This is what you’re facing—it’s not all distant from your life—it is what each person is facing right now. Everyone who has an essence is in this school of life and is going to get tested, everyone past a certain age faces tests—no-one is free of it. Don’t think that you have to do a huge, distant work before you even get into the preparation that leads to the path…”
It’s always a good reminder to hear that the very events and situations of life happening right now are what we need to walk the spiritual path. It’s very easy to think or just have that underlying feeling really that we need to just put aside or get over such-and-such a situation so that we can start working or whatever, both in large situations and on a mundane moment to moment level. But rather, as you put it, it’s what we’re facing right now.
“It’s always a good reminder to hear that the very events and situations of life happening right now are what we need to walk the spiritual path. It’s very easy to think or just have that underlying feeling really that we need to just put aside or get over such-and-such a situation so that we can start working or whatever, both in large situations and on a mundane moment to moment level. But rather, as you put it, it’s what we’re facing right now.”
Yes Jordan, that is a very good point. The work is here and now. We get so caught up with the things that are happening that we forget that they are all opportunities to be tested, uncover what we have inside and hopefully come out the other side with some much needed wisdom and will to contnue.
Nice quote, Jordan. I really like how simply Mark puts it. And funny we were coincidentally just discussing the subject :)
It’s an area I’ve been looking into a lot lately and it’s amazing how quickly you can segregate your life into “spiritual activities/actions” and “unspiritual” ones, and then things go askew pretty fast, especially when you try and push the “unspiritual” or just “unimportant” stuff to get to what you consider the “good” or “beneficial”, not realizing that life is that spiritual activity itself…
I started attend TGM courses at 2007…
I’m sorry I missed those retreat and talks in Greece but also because Lara’s statement about Mark’s future plans-appearances makes me reflect and see that maybe is not much point to meet Mark himself as much as his teachings and him in astral instead. Also as he wrote at his biography “…I seldom see anyone else for months at a time, I’ve lived this way for years” , so why should be me one of those?
Greek groups passed through a lot since then, like other groups also did, and is really helpful to see after all this distraction what left now and to reflect why all of these happen in the first place. And people who actually met him in person where are now and what really got from him then that still have inside? I don’t know. But a lot of people had the chance to do something inwardly and outwardly that missed out. And maybe still miss the point without using the current available resources wisely (I don’t exclude myself). Because, fortunately!!, he is still giving here even though not in person.
…and Thank you! for that
Thank you for posting these. I remember the Clay Model video very well. Such a humorous and yet very powerful teaching that gives cause for reflection. I found it really influenced my perception of the world and what seemed really meaningful but turned out to be so temporary.
I look forward to getting going through these in more depth!