Belsebuub discusses astral travel and dreams on My Spirit Radio at the Spiritual tides Fair in Kent in the UK.
From March 25th 2006.
Belsebuub discusses astral travel and dreams on My Spirit Radio at the Spiritual tides Fair in Kent in the UK.
From March 25th 2006.
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I think this is my favorite interview to date :) Just the act of astral projection and learning to study dreams changed my perception of life in this dimension so vastly. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your experience and knowledge.
Hearing about experiencing the Akashic Records is such an inspiration to keep pushing with learning astral travel. Though it’s something that takes a huge effort to experience regularly, I keep feeling like I am prioritizing badly when I realise my experiences have waned and a good night’s rest is more alluring that astral adventure. Such a shame and so much time wasted – so much energy goes into trivial successes, in my life and the world over. If only people knew the wonders of the multi-dimensional world.
These resurfacing talks are an added push to try again – thank you. I have to go back to the beginning, reignite my inspiration, start building the basics like concentration and relaxation and make it happen!
I think a good nights rest does not exclude one from having an astral experience and vice versa.
Well, David, I would say you can get a good night rest AND astral projections together if you have a chance to sleep a bit longer the next morning, or if your concentration is extremely good, so it does not take you too long to focus and fight off the mind. If your concentration is not too great though, but you still want to project, then, from my experience it takes some battle, to keep coming back to the focus, waking up a few times during the night, etc., until you finally become conscious. After a night like this, I usually feel more tired the next day, even though it is worth it as I get a glimpse of the objective reality beyond the physical world or a guidance I wished for. An inspiration and strong desire/yearning to achieve results can sometimes surpass the low level of concentration too.
Just wanted to say the astral projection definitely does not come easily, and we have to be realistic in what we can expect, especially if somebody is a beginner and their focus not too good.That’s why it is recommended to build up our concentration skills first, before attempting to astral project, but I don’t know many people who would be able to keep this good level of concentration going for a prolonged periods of time. I think its one of the main reasons why mystical practices can be so difficult for most people.
Maybe just plan it so you can get the extra rest you need.
Astral Projection does not mess up with sleep – we do it every night since the moment we are born, it’s innate to what we are as soon as we fall asleep, we project – so whether we have a good night of sleep or a bad night of sleep, we astral project, so how can it affect sleep? It’s part of the sleeping process..
I think how people decide to approach their astral practice is very personal (such as wake-ups) – and everyone needs to figure out what works best for them and use common sense and learn from experience, but the process of conscious astral projection will not affect anyone’s quality of sleep.
I fully agree Geraldine that astral projection does not mess up with sleep, in fact, if you manage to achieve it, it feels very alive and invigorating. The thing I was pointing at was that in order to achieve it, people usually need to put a lot of efforts in it, due to the bad state our mind is in (lack of concentration and clarity), and these efforts can then often lead to being tired the next day.
Astral projection is natural, and we do it every night as you pointed out, but unconsciously…. To become conscious of the process takes some work, and that also includes being somewhat tired sometimes. I know there has been a lot of negativity in the past stirred by some people saying how astral projection is not healthy, unnatural, etc…, which is not true at all. But in the same time, I think it is a bit misleading to create an impression that its a breeze, and that you can somehow sleep in the same way as normal (deeply and unconscious) and yet have profound mystical experiences. I think astral projection requires a bit lighter sleep than usual, and also changing our sleep patterns a bit (in the sense of not “hitting the pillow”, but being more observant of what is going on internally while falling asleep) and that can take some training and efforts, and yes, also tiredness sometimes. But its not a big deal, we can always dfecide to sleep in the next day, or train during the afternoon naps instead.
Indeed, to astrally project, one needs to fall asleep (why is it referred to as falling when what actually happens is our astral body rises out of the physical?).
It seems some can be concerned about keeping themselves awake trying to concentrate on one thing in order to project which can be something that occurs and can be a self fulfilling prophecy.
I think the thing is to plan to get the rest you need whilst also having a go at projecting. If you project I find it makes for some really restful sleep and you wake up inspired and invigorated.
The other thing is you might become lucid in dreams and can wake up in the astral that way, which also requires the body to be asleep.
So in these ways having conscious astral travels isn’t a tiring thing at all, I agree.
Hi guys,
I meant more a sleepy mental/internal attitude towards an astral practice rather than an actual lack of sleep. For me the beginning is the will to practice, without that it’s rare I have any success. Being told by my egos “ahh, you should just roll over and go to sleep” is more about wanting to mentally sleep and switch off rather than physically. That’s whatt I meant by the allure of a ‘good night’s’ rest. Actually the nights where I’ve had the will to practice and stay ‘mentally awake’ and had an astral experience have left me feeling much better in the morning. Much better than a night of subconscious dreams.
Geraldine I’m not sure about your use of the term astral projection. Isn’t it specifically about the process of being conscious of the natural separation of the astral body from the physical at sleep, rather than the (same) process that happens every time we nod off?
I agree that everyone needs to find what works for them. I can fall asleep no problem usually but others have a problem in getting to sleep. Personally, I like lie-ins at the weekends and going to bed early so I naturally wake up early and have another chance to project!
Hi Lucia,
Yes, me too – I’ve also found the same. The morning after I’ve had an out-of-body experience, I wake up feeling a lot more alive than on any other night. And yes, you’re right – concentration does not happen ‘overnight’ hehehe – it takes a while to build it up again if we haven’t been keeping up with it – it really feels like a muscle that’s atrophied after a while, so efforts are needed to get it back and running and build it up.
I guess what I was coming from was just to point out that dreams / astral projection (process of being conscious while splitting) / lucid dreaming / astral travel or waking up in a dream will not affect the quality of sleep – that’s all.
That’s all the distinction I was making – how we achieve that is up to the individual. So like David said, if you find that you require more sleep because of wake-ups or staying awake too long, definitely plan for it. But being tired from trying out is not a result of or caused by astral projection – I just thought that this was important to mention.
And yes,Lucia, you’re right, there is a lot of ‘myths’ about astral projection or OBEs – and some people falsely believe that being aware in your dreams may lead to being tired the next day or not having proper sleep – but like you say, it does not since that’s what we do as soon as we ‘fall asleep’ (David – I know weird about the falling part – but perhaps it’s because sometimes you can feel yourself falling from great heights as you re-enter your physical body – could it be where the expression came from?)
Personally I haven’t found that I need a different type of sleep to have an astral projection / OBE – I’ve had some of the best experiences after very little sleep and waking up in dreams, and at other times after a very heavy and long sleep and having multiple astral projections the next morning. But yes, if my physical body is so tired and my mind can’t concentrate then ‘pfff’ I’m gone into lalala-land faster than lightning and forget about astral projection! I won’t realize any of what is happening!
As for saying it’s a breeze, I don’t think anyone is or has said that.
Ella -my apologies if I was confusing. What i meant with astral projection in my first comment is the astral split meaning that we project out of our body whether we are aware of it or not when we are asleep and being conscious of it doesn’t matter in terms of quality of sleep. I guess I was just trying to emphasize that being conscious of it all does not change the quality of sleep. And yes, you’re right the term astral projection is used to describe the process of being aware of splitting from the body, of the whole process of migrating from one dimension to another. And this unfortunately we don’t do it every night – that is being conscious of the astral split.
Good points Geraldine, and I hope people wouldn’t be put off trying thinking they’ll be more tired the next day. It’s the going into lala land that needs to be struggled against! Lala land is the most exhausting place of them all :)
Wishing everyone inspiration and perseverance to get to those mystical experiences.
Love your post.
Access to the Akashic records is what got me into gnosis and the esoteric studies.
Firstly, do not confuse astral travel with access to the Akashic records. One has to be pure to access the Akashic recoirds, as they are records of what has actually happened. Your consciousness dictates what you see.
Be careful what you ask for – A few years ago I had a small glimpse into the Akashic – and it was horrendous. I saw the end of the this current world and humanity. I saw massive lightning flashes and a horrible sound. It was a whirring sound …. I saw men in military garb and people trying to hide in a underground train tunnel.
It was truly horrendous ….
On a positive note , I have seen my Being (I could not see his face) a truly beautiful feeling and sight, show me my teenage years.
Keep doing the work, stay focussed and maintain your concentration and you WILL SEE amazing things and experiences to beautiful to describe.
Ella you are on the right track .
Thanks Con,
Yeah I know the Akashic Records are not just there waiting to be opened when you have an astral experience! It was just that hearing the potential depth of the inner learning possible through projection was reinvigorating.
Thanks for sharing about your experiences. Even the difficult/horrendous ones can be motivating as a push to focus on the spiritual.
Another successful interview (if I may say so) it flowed well, questions and assumptions were dealt with very well and towards the end it allowed some space to go deeper into the ‘why’, not only the ‘what’ and ‘how’.’
”It’s a matter of getting the technique right and then applying them in a very dedicated way, because we’re not accustomed to projecting normally . . . we’ve got to train ourselves, educate ourselves, to do it.”
This felt very true for me as lately I’ve seen it a bit more clearly that there’s a need to be able to concentrate for practices to work. Being not so pleased with my level of concentration I hope to build it up. But it’s not going to happen by wanting it, thinking about it, writing about it ;-), but by actually training and practising seriously now.
Thanks for sharing this inspirational interview.
I found the same thing Blake, in order to stay focused while the body is going through the various stages of falling sleep requires concentration. If there is no concentration then my thoughts can easily distract me or the heaviness of the sleep takes over and I’m gone. It indeed takes practice to build up the skills and like you said, it’s just a matter of doing it, training and trying again and staying consistent with it.
Excellent information on this talk, I find it very informative about astral travelling. In particular how important it is to be aware in daily life and work on ourselves to enable spiritual benefits from our astral practices.
Thanks again Belsebuub.
Another really inspiring interview. Just listening to the audio now makes me reflect on the priorities in our own lives. There are huge events going on all the time: the processes of birth and death, opportunity to reach immortality, dreaming & astral experiences that can connect us to all this on a nightly basis.
And all this is somehow swamped by daily life. How is it possible? and why are we so engrossed in it? I wish I understood this to be able to have the right priorities in my own life.
Very interesting and insightful talk! Thank you so much for sharing, I keep trying to get the right moment of falling sleep with my concentration, so I can be really awake in the astral plane. Not thinking about my astral experiences in the past, or maybe in the future, but make it right tonight :)
Thanks again Mark for a very inspiring talk, spiritual development when we are asleep, how true that is I really look forward to gaining a deeper understanding from my nightly practices