In this interview on BBC Radio Wiltshire Belsebuub discusses the possiblilties of using OBE’s to learn more about what people who die and revive go through in NDE’s. He says that in a conscious out-of-body experience we go into the same dimension as the deceased. From August 8th 2006.
By Admin|2019-12-22T09:47:44+00:00April 7th, 2016|astral projection and dreams, media interviews|7 Comments
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Another great recording, and I haven’t heard this particular one either. Such important information and inspiring as always. Thanks
Yes, I agree Jiri and Blake this is another great/nice interview and I’ve also never heard it before.
The information in Belsebuub’s Astral Codex book gave me all the tools to verify first hand that astral travel and out body experiences are very real. Today, I’m very glad that I put in the efforts to prove it for myself, otherwise I would have continued to doubt that it’s very real.
Thank you for sharing, Belsebuub! More material for reflection and more inspiration to explore further the astral, while we are still alive here…
I am not sure if I have ever experienced a classical NDE, but a few times in my life I was not just close to death, but there was some sort of OBE taking place. Those experiences moved me so much and gave me a lot of motivation to keep moving deeper into spirituality.
Once I sort of willed myself back into my physical body with a powerful Will to live my life very differently from now on, so I can truly realize my potential and not have a stupid premature death – and then I just forced myself to move physically and struggle day after day to gradually heal.
Another time I seemed to already use my will and other resources to the maximum and nothing worked, I knew that I am locked in the trap designed not only by the dark forces – so I just focused on praying to God and other Spiritual Forces to take me back Home, if now is my time to go, I really didn’t mind dying at that point, but soon afterwards I felt this physical body being dragged and placed into the wheelchair I guess, and people trying to help me “gain my consciousness”, as I was half here half there, I just kept praying, letting everything go, and using ONLY the Force of LOVE to combat Evil.
I am really interested to investigate more the astral and life and everything else and just do my best to realize completely my divine potential and help liberate all sentient beings (whatever is the price for me to pay), before my time is really up :) here. And I am really not sure how much time I still have left, and this understanding inspires me, when my understanding is truly there, to take the most our of each day in this physical body in this physical world.
I read your Comments and can say I have had similar experiences.
About a year ago I had an afternoon dream. In this dream I “woke up ” during my funeral. I woke up in my coffin and could see the cask inches from my face. My consciousness asserted itself and I said ” hey … I am not dead.” I then kicked the coffin open the coffee door and jumped up about 10 feet and stood at the top of my grave.
There were people mourning and crying over me. I felt that something was wrong …. inherently wrong. There was one main mourner – a tall thin figure in black – who not only had a strong presence with a feeling of dread. This feeling od dread instantly struck a chord within me. I have had this feeling and more importantly these feelings od dread before. It was a powerful demon.
At the top of my freshly dig grave I thought ” …who are these mourners and why don’t I know them as they were not friends and relatives, AND ….. who is this head mourner dressed in black whom is faceless. All the mourners merged into one – that one tall black figure – and it was just me and by now a thin tall faceless, powerful demon. It no longer bothered to hide itself.
The Demon – “…. You have saved three souls and as you have saved these people. The demon continued ” … I will bring much suffering into your life
as you have saved these people.” The demon then struck me hard across the left hand of my face and I went flying through the cemetery and actually went through graves and headstones.
I then woke up and I rubbed the left hand of my face for a while as it hurt !!! I vividly remembered the dream experience. After a while and in deep thought and meditation I realised that the mourners and head demon were my ego’s. To reiterate the mourners were my ego’s and the tall. thin faceless demon was a singular point of all my ego’s, hence it was tall, dark powerful; presence. Who were the people I have “saved” …. after many months of thought .. . I think I know two of these people but I am unsure of the third person.
The importance here is how powerful the ego’s are, as Vadim states in his collective experiences ” . . . I sort of willed myself back into my physical. body it a powerful Will to live my life ….” that is the power and Will if the awoken consciousness.I n the more esoteric texts the Christ vehemently states that the tools we have a W.I.L. That is Will, Intelligence – demoting spiritual intelligence as opposed to human intellectualism and Love – again not human love which is often lust. If one wants to know what Divine Love is read the Flight of the Feathered Serpent.
A new meaning of NDE – a New Demonic Experience
Another great audio has been posted in very short time after the previous one. Thank you Belsebuub for your help with your audios, videos, articles, books and your teaching.
Another nice interview, had not heard this one before.
In my opinion it’s an amazing thing for people to learn that they actually leave their body every night. That dreams, though much influenced by the subconscious, not actually ‘simply take place in our head.’ This other context gives our dreams and experiences a deeper level of significance and potential.
I find what’s (briefly) mentioned at the start about moving our body when waking up relevant for me now. It’s worth making the efforts, in the diffferent aspects needed for it, to be able to recall what happend at night properly in the morning. And yet a bit of movement of the body, or dozing off again when recalling dreams, can easily make us lose the thread, which is a waste.
I think you’re right. It’s amazing just how much depth out of body experiences and dreams give to life, and it’s a depth we’re all connected to, it’s just a case of remembering to ‘peer through the window’ so to speak when the morning comes. I still remember just how life-changing my first successful OBE was when I took part in Belsebuub’s course. Even though I had always believed in the otherworldly and the spiritual, to be able to actually experience it felt so special.
I’ve also developed that bad habit of fidgeting or turning slightly in the morning, which does impact dream recall. I’ve noticed in the past when I’ve managed to make a reasonably good go at writing my dreams down in a diary, it’s helped with staying still in the mornings, I think because the act of writing them down helped make recall a much more set objective in the mind. I think it’s something for me to try and get more focused on, so as not to miss on those gifts from the other side.