There are some difficult problems facing us as a humanity that threaten not only our fundamental rights as human beings but also our very survival. We can and must tackle a seemingly endless stream of issues in a struggle for truth, freedom, security and justice. But unless we can get to the underlying causes of these issues, they will not only keep repeating, but will continue in their slide to a dark abyss.
The wars, environmental destruction, mounting debt, poverty and so on, are symptoms of deeper underlying causes, which have their root within each individual. If the problem was only limited to a handful of sinister people, then the difficulties facing the world would never have got this far. Corrupt institutions for example, are often a symptom of large numbers of individuals who are easily bought off, and are willingly ready to serve their own selfish interests before those of the people. Huge corporations often have their foundation upon the greed of populations who almost demand an endless stream of cheap, fashionable, throw-away goods. Even some who want world change can alienate and become aggressive towards others who don’t fit in with their future world view – so once any current oppressive force is defeated, will we all then just magically get along?
Empires, dictatorships and entire civilizations have risen and fallen throughout history. Therefore I see the struggle to bring about positive change in the world as being not only about providing the information on what is happening, but perhaps even more importantly, how to address the root causes of it within each person.
I’m sure many others, who look from their own perspective will see other causes that I‘ve left out, but here’s what I see as some of the main causes of the problems we face:
- A lack of inner awareness of what drives us psychologically as people.
- A lack of awareness of the mechanisms behind society.
- The inability or unwillingness of individuals to change.
- The loss of guiding principles and values.
- The devolution of our brains?
- The network of darkness (evil) and the lack of an equally organized and matched response from light (good).
I believe we need to acknowledge these problems and deal with them, as we are already paying the price for neglecting or being unaware of them and I feel unless large numbers of people change radically, the situation is only going to get worse.
“Even some who want world change can alienate and become aggressive towards others who don’t fit in with their future world view – so once any current oppressive force is defeated, will we all then just magically get along?
Empires, dictatorships and entire civilizations have risen and fallen throughout history. Therefore I see the struggle to bring about positive change in the world as being not only about providing the information on what is happening, but perhaps even more importantly, how to address the root causes of it within each person.”
I was one more person who wanted change in the world without understanding the root of the world’s problems and the need to change myself. I was active in the anti war movement. It was great to unite with others and take genuine action to oppose something deeply wrong in society, but I also saw that without a common cause to rally around, beneath the surface there was a lack of real unity, and many conflicting political factions too, each vying for supremecy, and differences divided people absent a common enemy.
I knew something was missing, but wasn’t sure what. At the time I couldn’t see what spirituality had to do with changing the world. A lot of people seemed to turn to spirituality to escape from reality rather than face it. When I started practicing what Belsebuub is talking about, I realised the root of the recurring problems is within us, and if don’t tackle that the cycle will continue, as ut has done throughout history, and facing this is a spiritual quest. I believe it is right to stand up to injustice in society as I did then, but I also know now that we need to face darkness within us and outside of us, if we truly want to address the problems in the world. Otherwise we are blind and we can be part of the problem without realising.
I am sad to say that I read this article and thought, “Oh, how interesting, Belsebuub is calling all the groups in the world to work together….how wonderful!” What I neglected to do, was to take the article to heart and actually implement it into my own life. I thought it was a powerful article and I do appreciate it. Now I will be spending some time reflecting on where my work has been going and why I have been missing the boat.
I’ve had a lucid dream in which someone knocked on a door, I looked through window, and it was someone like me, but looking like a zombie with cloudy eyes!
I was frightened, but then remembered I should fear nothing, so I opened the door, and I gave him a hug.
I woke up instantly.
I meditated upon this and I came up with: there’s no need to fear of being unconscious, as there’s no difference between conscious or unconscious life.
You can be enlightened, meaning living a higher level of this game (life), but you are always aware to only some extent, it might be that some things are hidden for you on purpose, in order for you to experience things your soul needs!
So if your soul/higher self already decided what you should experience, then really the only thing you can do is but to enjoy all, no matter what’s being projected to you.
And that’s real freedom. No need to suffer, no need for discipline or fear from not being aware, no need to do anything, but just what you want… just smile and shine :)
That “someone like me” zombie looking person with cloudy eyes could also have been one of the many ‘I’s that we need to eliminate in order to become a true individual. When strengthening consciousness we can start to understand this and gain the knowledge which leads to that freedom spoken of.
Wow, that was motivating, inspiring, scary and eye opening to read. Thanks so much for the post.
“Society nurtures darkness, ignorance and animal drives without even knowing, and it can’t lift itself up because it doesn’t know many of the principles which could elevate it nor the ones that cause it to decline.”
This line really resonated with me. I don’t know how to comment on it because it’s already been written so well. Thank you
To do what Belsebuub is suggesting requires fundamental change of the individual. The egos must be eliminated. I tried doing good things in my life without the proper understanding of the egos. So, I failed many times. Now I’m tired of failing and I want to become a spiritual being of Light. Does anyone here know where I can find information about the Alchemy that Belsebuub talks about in his articles? I’m having trouble finding specific instructions on how to perform it.
I know how you feel, as I felt the same.
Alchemy is a very broad term and you won’t find the answer here, but in your heart.
I was brought to a site by Gerald O’Donell (probablefuture dot com). RI and RV courses don’t explain ego’s, but they increase your vibrations and state of happiness, so you may check it out and see if u want it.
I can assure you that your tiredness and sadness from past failures are truly a negative emotions, that will not help you to change your life, but keep you in a low vibratory state.
Every situation in our life has a meaning, you have higher self and you have angels around you, you are being taken care of… allow yourself to smile, which is a nourishment for your higher parts and let them make you happy… after all, we are here to ENJOY our lifes, and not to enslave us by discipline, feelings of regrets, hard work, tiredness, failures etc.
When you truly want something, everything goes with ease.
Egos are lower vibratory parts of yourself, that allow you to experience specific scenarios in your life. There’s no need to fear!
Your higher self has a power to eliminate these egos, but it will not do so unless it would be for your good.
Hey Vincent, hope you’re well. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but the book “Secret Knowledge, Hidden Wisdom” explains alchemy in perfect detail. It says on the site here that it will be released as a free eBook in the future.
Sorry I can’t say more than that except that there are a number of relevant articles and audios on this site. I remember when I first started learning these teachings, at times I was very eager to learn “the next thing”, but I came to realize what was more important for me to learn was that the student receives knowledge as needed, and also that there are several key practices to get right in preparation for alchemy (e.g. awareness, self-observation, elimination of the egos).
Wishing you the best!
This article is greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)
As many have stated, it really puts everything into perspective, and this is greatly needed for all of us right now. Things are speeding up faster and faster. We seeds (consciousness) should speed up our level of activity to match that of our circumstances we find ourselves (humanity) in on the planet.
Thanks again, I will try and spread this article to as many people that are interested as possible.
All the best, and all the strength to everyone!
“There is no good reason good can’t triumph over evil, if only angels will get organized along the lines of the mafia.”
(Kurt Vonnegut, famous American writer, 1959)
This has been a great article for me to read. I got a lot out of several parts of it, but there was something about the bit on unity that has really struck a chord and has left me feeling very different. Thank you for the article.
Very well presented. I was going to pick a favorite section, but then I found another favorite point or phrase and I decided that this, I would underscore: “I believe everyone working for truth and good should in some way form a unity to counter the large network of evil.” -AMEN!
What I like about this article is that it much of it is a soothing reassurance of what I would dare say many of us have felt before approaching the work. Perhaps what lead some of us to the work. When I say reassurance, I mean, these feelings lead me to this work, before reading any of the books or articles from Belsebuub, meeting anyone here, or doing any of the work, I felt like I was born insane and I was getting worse as time went on.
I am tempted to talk about things in my country that are going on that support this, but here, the list seems infinite.
Thank you for this article and for the teachings you have given thus far. ALL of it is a treasure for me. This article is the icing on the cake. I was fortunate enough to have been able to catch an opportunity right before many of the changes.
I hope to see many of you in the Astral!
“Thank you for this article and for the teachings you have given thus far. ALL of it is a treasure for me.” – I second that comment :)
Edgar Cayce said Russia will save the world. It always seems apparent that Putin try’s to stop USA and UN from carrying out their agenda and he doesn’t seem like he’s controlled by the banking Cartel. I wish Putin and Co had an esoteric white side to go up against the Satanism that’s going on. If would be great if these teachings were over in Russia.
Great article and how it put things into the bigger picture. What stood out to me is really “the lack of an equally organized and matched response from light (good)” to the great evil that reigns in this planet.
Very timely article I also agree. Just recently I noticed more than ever how people act like sheep by just walking downtown, what they say, how they act, even the way they walk, is so far from anything spiritual, completely asleep, pushing their way through, unaware of their surroundings, yet very proud of been able to multitask. Amazing how people have forgotten how to love and I find sometimes it’s hard not to go along with that strong current that pulls people in that direction. Thanks, it really inspires me to look deeper internally.
Also im just wondering what is the best way to overcome these dark forces on mass, is the best way to help to teach people etc..
If its joining together and building up a strength in a group then how would we know if the people we are joining with are working for good and the truth and not the dark side, as this can be hard to work out sometimes Thxs
Great article very motivating yet in another way quite sad and distressing, I hope the forces of light can become more apparent in this world, and we can start to fight back
Merci pour votre article que j’ai partage dans mon groupe sur facebook :)
Thank you very much for this article – the conclusion has made me want to reflect more on the way that I view those with differing viewpoints to mine, especially when I believe I am on the side of ‘right’.
You are constantly offering us new and fresh ways to look at these issues and so allowing opportunities to continually question our ways of thinking and perceiving. I am very grateful for the sharing of this wisdom.
Thank you for sharing your insights, they do help me to see things in the perspective.
I remember living in Russia during the time of a huge change when the USSR has just collapsed. A lot of interesting information became available after that change on how the country was actually governed.
And it was quite sad for me to see later more or less a similar pattern happening around the world – small groups of powerful and selfish people manipulating sheep-like sleeping masses.
The work towards awakening, while taking into the consideration the current state of society, and helping people, seems to be the best direction in life, and what you say about some the need of some sort of unity obviously makes sense.
Thank you for this article. It’s a great distillation of the world I see around me with the added deeper esoteric vision that’s missing in the bigger picture for the majority of the world. This also highlights humanity’s weaknesses ( our own) and I’m happy to have another day of life to work at overcoming these things myself.
@Michael S well said! All the best with your next step towards knowledge and inner and outer excellence.
Amen! That’s the key. Change yourself, you change the world. I have suffered greatly before realizing how true that is. Thanks for the confirmation.
I think this article is very timely. I’ve recently seen how many conflicts in my country are caused by a lack of understanding of the greater spiritual realities. Because there is no esoteric understanding, problems get stuck in a deadlock. There is one position that’s taken by one side and the other taken by its opposition, but both are restricted only to the intellectual understanding that is limited to this physical world and the ideas that have repeated themselves over and over again, but have never resolved anything. It really is a hell on earth, with situations, words and mistakes being repeated over and over again, each time causing more division and suffering and little to no understanding.
I like what you’ve said here Matija. There seems to be two sides who both believe they are fighting for good and can’t seem to meet in the centre. I guess it comes down to whqat Belsebuub is saying that people don’t look underneath at things like stubburness and pride that drives their principles and unwillingness to compromise for a greater good. I can see that deadlock you speak of in my own country also. Many people on the left and on the right don’t realise how much they actually do have in common when it really comes down to spirituality and the types of things Belsebuub is saying here. If more people could come in line with the will of their being then surely we can all begin to work together to build a treu force that can stand upto the darkness with the support of the masses of the people.
Great article.
I’ve noticed that there is a tendency to passively observe something wrong without making effort to make it right. I’ve seen people complaining a lot about the state of the world but most limit themselves at just observing and complaining while staying in the comfort zone.
I’ve read quite a few articles mentioning about the distractive plans of the elites of the world but there is usually the tendency to just mention what one has observed or understood (or many times just speculate) but without going deeper to the causes of it. Although this is much better than not realizing how manipulated we are, I think it is still limiting any potential to really change society.
I think that becoming obsessed with conspiracy theories and missing the point of inner change as a basis for changing the world contributes to limiting and misguiding genuine seekers from finding the truth.
I agree that without actively looking inside our psyche and changing the way we are there is no way that we could really fight something evil outside of us.
The parts of the article about the subconscious drives and desires really stood out to me as being important personally. How in ignorance we are easily controlled by what’s inside of us and the forces in power and darkness outside of us. And how desire can be related to either pleasure or pain.
I’ve been finding recently that without self awareness there can be subtle pleasures related to lots of different ‘everyday’ aspects of my life, and I can see how without an understanding of what’s driving me psychologically or the manipulating forces around me, I could be easily be taken from one distraction to another until the end of my life without really ever do anything substantially of use for myself or for the world around me.
Thank you for this article and your perspective Belsebuub, I find it an inspiration to fight against ignorance and to join with others for the common good however I am best able too. Ignorance is not bliss!
Fantastic article! I love reading things like this that puts the wider scope of life into such accurate perspective. Its one more thing that inspires me to keep challenging myself everyday – to be more calm and focused in the moment, to keep learning new things, to keep pushing my comfort zone, and to generally do my best to do the right thing. I hope that by doing this, I’m counteracting that shrinking of the brain that probably happens when I get lazy, fall back into old, comfortable habits, and numb myself with meaningless pleasures rather than seeking knowledge, growth or personal excellence.
Sometimes it does feel overwhelmingly sad to see so much destruction happening right in front of our faces. I figure the best way I can gain enough power and influence to be able to do something about this is to focus primarily on myself – or better said, the higher conscious part of myself that wants to live and loves life. Perhaps the more I can ‘keep the way cleared’ so that this higher part can manifest somehow, the more I can be an uplifting force that could possibly inspire the people around me to want to seek life and consciousness more than comforts and habits of mediocrity.
In any case, I know that I just need to focus on making the very next step. Thanks again Belsebuub for a great boost in helping me make it!
“I love reading things like this that puts the wider scope of life into such accurate perspective. Its one more thing that inspires me to keep challenging myself everyday – to be more calm and focused in the moment, to keep learning new things, to keep pushing my comfort zone, and to generally do my best to do the right thing. I hope that by doing this, I’m counteracting that shrinking of the brain that probably happens when I get lazy, fall back into old, comfortable habits, and numb myself with meaningless pleasures rather than seeking knowledge, growth or personal excellence.”
That’s what the article inspired me re-focus on as well — though I didn’t think of it in terms of a battle against a shrinking brain :).
It was a great article to read, by the way. I hope it doesn’t end in just being “a good read” for me though. It’s interesting that knowing all of this information doesn’t equal to actually changing anything deeply internally, though the two should theoretically go hand-in-hand. Every time I read something like this I am reminded of all the things I am neglecting to explore or act upon. Good to have these reminders once in a while!
It’s interesting that knowing all of this information doesn’t equal to actually changing anything deeply internally, though the two should theoretically go hand-in-hand. Every time I read something like this I am reminded of all the things I am neglecting to explore or act upon.
You raise a very good point here Jenny, I completely agree and can relate to this. I need to keep pushing to have to achieve the internal peace required to see things clearly and clearer.
I don’t think we should worry too much about the shrinking brain. We are all living a very temporary physical life, so we won’t have a physical brain for very long. We need to focus on eliminating the egos so that we can be free in the next dimension after this physical life.
After some research, I have started realizing some of the difficult problems we are facing as humanity and yet I have so much more to learn and to uncover. When I started realizing how unreliable the media is and how many things are going on behind the scenes for us (humanity) without us, it made me wonder about our future and about our survival. I feel the article summaries very clearly important causes of these problems.
It is unfortunate that there is no organized and matched response from the Light in the world and spiritual knowledge is not valued by society the way it used to. Nevertheless there is hope since there are individuals who are motivated enough to struggle for the truth and for freedom and there are others who might join if someone could help them realize these causes. If there was a strong unity from people who work to awaken externally and internally with the higher aim to work together to defend our world and to face darkness, that I also feel would make a big difference.
Pleasure to read; much to meditate on – thank you.
This article rings very true with me.
I became disillusioned with society at a young age. I didn’t know the causes though so it led to a double-disillusionment as I didn’t know any way it could properly change. All the “good” causes in the world didn’t seem to offer any real solutions, as I believed something fundamental was missing from all.
I’ve now studied self-knowledge enough to know the cause of all the issues, and as well what the most important factor is (point one in this article).
The last point that is sitting with me now from the article is in the conclusion. The need to foster love, but hand-in-hand, to have courage against darkness.
That last point stood out to me to Jon, and how an inner awakening facilitates courage to fight the darkness!
Great article.
It seems as though things are just too far gone and in the wrong hands for there to be a corresponding group (of light, good) to counter this in a way that would actually affect things in the world on a large scale, even if people set aside their differences. However, it would be great if attempts were made for the benefit of the individuals who do want to make use of this situation to do their best to help, and in the process and most importantly, gain knowledge and awaken on a personal level.
An attempt must be made, ‘failure’ to me would be not to attempt to unite and set aside differences at all. If and when this happens, it would be success of its own :)
I found this article summed up really well so many aspects that a person faces when they are trying to live an authentic and meaningful life…thanks very much for the information. I especially like this point towards the end:
“I believe everyone working for truth and good should in some way form a unity to counter the large network of evil. That means understanding that others have differences and views that may seem confronting and even strange, but to put aside these differences for the common good, and to create a strength that is capable of pulling its weight against the force of darkness.”
Often I have found that it is all too easy to let differences with others define interpersonal relationships, rather than putting these aside for the common good. But to allow a shared vision of a better way of living and a positive impact upon the world be the primary focus for a group of people, would allow amazing things to take place.
I couldn’t agree with you more Priya. This part of the article stood out very much for me, pointing at a very important message of unity and belonging to a greater goal for mankind that surpasses the ordinary troubles with our fellow man.
I have seen how strengthening it is to pull together no matter the differences and the results are extraordinary – and although I feel have only scratched the surface, I am certain inimaginable things can be done when in our hearts and vision we hold onto the common good and become a force against all odds.
Yes, a very powerful statement that you highlighted Priya. I hope all those that are now looking towards understanding, experiencing and awakening their consciousness in this world will become aware of this vital point Belsebuub makes. Division is the weakness in any opportunity to find unity with others, and from my own experience negativity and evil thrives on divisions.
Through the consciousness tools that Belsebuub offers, I have really come to see how important it is to root out this negativity from within, its given me a greater scope of understanding and working with others, which is why I see points 1,3 and 4 being so vital.