
The ominous influence of the four blood moons

By Peter Gaylard under CC licence We just watched the eclipse of the red moon, or blood moon as it sometimes called. The emanations of occult darkness and the abyss that came from it beamed to the earth and were very powerful. This lunar eclipse of April 4 is part of the series of cosmic events that enhance the forces of darkness. It is one of four lunar eclipses in a lunar tetrad, in the middle of which was the solar eclipse of March 20. These eclipses are successive with no partial eclipses in between them and each of them is separated from the other by six full moons. A lunar eclipse has a red colour, which is caused by the earth blocking the light of the sun from reaching the moon. As it does, a red glow is created around the silhouette of the earth like when the sun sets over the horizon. This red glow is cast upon the moon and its red light is reflected back to earth. Cosmic events and forces affect the earth and everything that lives on it including us, as the human body is a microcosm of the macrocosm and, [...]

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00April 4th, 2015|hell and demons|75 Comments

A major event for the forces of darkness

Photo CC BY-SA 3.0 by Luc Viatour. Last night there was a major gathering in the underworld of beings who have awakened in darkness. It was a special time for them as there was a rare combination of celestial events. In some parts of the world there was an eclipse of the sun. These eclipses are ominous symbols of darkness as they represent the lunar forces of darkness eclipsing the solar forces of light. But it was also the time in the moon cycle when it’s black. The black moon has a special force which facilitates and conveys darkness; it’s a special time for their ceremonies and is an important event personally for those Demons and aspirants of darkness who have physical bodies. It was also the time when the moon is closest to the earth, and a black moon that close has incredible strength. Finally, in the southern hemisphere it was the autumn equinox. After this time the days become shorter than the nights, and darkness is greater than light. In the northern hemisphere this was countered somewhat by the spring equinox, after which light becomes greater than darkness. It’s quite possible that there will be a [...]

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00March 21st, 2015|hell and demons|110 Comments

How to see ego states within and remove them A video of a talk looking at how to observe and discover ego states within and how to remove them or 'die to them'. Ego states are the subconscious emotions, drives and feelings that create so much negativity within and in the world and they affect a person beyond this life. In the absence of the ego, inner peace and stillness are present. From Quebec, Canada in July 2004.

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00February 1st, 2015|consciousness and personal development, video|142 Comments

Talks at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus in 2006

In 2006 I gave a series of talks at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, they were well attended as I had appeared on a TV show there at the same time. Belsebuub at Nicosia University, Cyprus, 2006 The talks are: Remembering to Be Aware of Yourself The Hidden Side of Dreams A Talk on Out-of-Body Experiences Nightmares: An Experience of Hell Encountering Divine Beings and Sinister Entities If Your Life was over and you could Re-live it from Now  

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00January 30th, 2015|news|27 Comments

Peace is from consciousness, not from egos A video discussing what it takes to have inner peace and its repercussions upon society and the world. The egos are temporary, they are not permanent, consciousness is the real you. Peacefulness arises from being aware in the present moment. A talk from Quebec in Canada in 2004.

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00January 27th, 2015|consciousness and personal development, video|17 Comments

Knowledge of the egos is multi-dimensional A video of an interview from 2002 discussing ways to understand the egos and emotions and how the study of oneself is multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. It looks at how the beginning of inner knowledge is from seeing oneself in the present moment as one really is.

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00January 24th, 2015|consciousness and personal development, video|31 Comments

Belsebuub’s astral book now available in Chinese

From the Mystical Life Publications blog A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams ( 一个星体之游及梦课程) by Belsebuub is now available as an eBook in Traditional Chinese, on our website . We’re really happy to release this eBook after several months of preparation work behind the scenes, to now have it available for the Chinese people all around the world to freely download and share. We hope that the incredible knowledge base that Belsebuub shares and explains in this eBook will provide them with a great resource to explore the wonders of the astral through their own out-of-body explorations. A big thanks to our dedicated team who were part of this book coming to fruition in Chinese – a great job and a beautiful cover that brings it all together!  

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00September 22nd, 2014|news|16 Comments

The Resurrection in the Pyramid Texts

The Pyramid texts in Egypt are often thought to be about the process of the soul after death, but they have a more significant meaning, which is the depiction of the process of death and resurrection on the Path of the Spiritual Son. This event is represented in the solar year by the spring equinox, which is Easter time. Here is a small selection: 163: He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable spirit, he that bore more than you, he that suffered more than you, he that is more weary than you, he that became greater than you, he who will be happier than you, he who roars louder than you. You have no more time there! Lo, this is what Seth and Thoth have done, your two brothers who could not bewail you! 167: To say the words: "Atum, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges! 195: Be [...]

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00August 20th, 2014|ancient wisdom, autobiographical|21 Comments

Why all this is free

Our eBooks have been downloaded over 70,000 times and our site has had over a million hits. We’ve turned down a number of publishers because we want our work to remain free of charge. In doing that, we and our non-profit publisher could have given up at least $365,000 over these last 3 years, which is what we would have made if we’d charged for our eBooks at going rates on– and that’s not taking into account the huge advertising budgets large publishers with their access to the mainstream media offer. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself, is it right to charge money for spiritual information? After all, spiritual knowledge and understanding flows freely from the universe to us, so why should we then sell it on at a profit? We believe spirituality is not something you can price tag, and that it should be passed onto others just as freely as it’s received. To charge money is to block the free flow of spirituality, much like someone at a cosmic stream who diverts the flow of water, only to sell it to those suffering the thirst for change, knowledge, and inner awakening downstream. KEEP READING

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00July 25th, 2014|news|92 Comments

Mystical Life Publications meets Graham Hancock

Original article by Priya and posted on the Mystical Life Publications blog The Mystical Life Publications team with Graham Hancock. A few weeks ago, the MLP team and friends were out and about hunting for office space when I stumbled upon a poster advertising an Australian tour for Graham Hancock. As a writer and journalist, Graham Hancock has investigated some fascinating topics like the evidence for an ancient and very advanced lost civilisation, the Orion correlation theory, and the ‘War on Consciousness’ – a talk that was infamously banned by TED. We’ve been particularly interested in his research on ancient sites and the significance of their alignments to celestial patterns, as the lost spiritual knowledge of ancient civilisations is something that we’re helping revive today through the work we publish. His last talk was scheduled for the upcoming weekend – we couldn’t believe our luck – we had to see if we could get tickets. From there began phone calls, emails, and negotiations with the ticket vendor and luckily enough, just a few days before the show, we were able to get some tickets at a good price. So a couple of weekends ago, we went along to [...]

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00June 7th, 2014|news|11 Comments

The Unseen Spiritual War Beneath the Veneer of Society

There is a spiritual war taking place at every instant and it's good to be aware of it. We normally see only a fraction of reality, there are forces of light and darkness existing beyond ordinary view and they affect each of us and society. Although mostly unseen, darkness extends itself throughout the world like the giant tentacles of a sinister octopus. This influences people in important positions, whether they are aware of it or not. Some of the most respected, powerful, and influential figures in Western society meeting at Bohemian Grove. Anything that attacks, marginalises or supresses the light of authentic spirituality is liable to be supported by forces of darkness in various ways. Often manipulating people through their emotions (ego states) from beyond the physical world and influencing them usually subconsciously through interference in their dreams. Some ways the influence of darkness affects society unknowingly Sometimes when trying to do good a great deal of harm can be caused and so even good intentions get used by forces of darkness. Some people for example, are working to create a world based upon globalist values and yet one of the outcomes of this is the suppression of [...]

By |2019-12-22T09:47:46+00:00June 5th, 2014|hell and demons, the war on consciousness|30 Comments
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